Whyne? Whynot, Antoinette,
O' boy, boys and girls and neuters (hope that didn't trigger anyone. And you thought taking Latin was a waste of time). It's summertime! School's out. The night's are getting longer, the sun is getting stronger and the time for leisure is at hand. Now all we have to do is figure out how to fill our days. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let me remind you that it's important to keep your mind sharp. Don't let the sun, and the sea, and the scantily clad turn your brain to mush. Stay lucid. Exercise your brain. Increase your vocabulary. Remember to pre-game with your prefix before you get to the root of the matter, and can enjoy the after glow of your suffixual escapades. So attract your anto-, syno-, or homo- sapien with your mind. Words matter and using your words can get you to the promised land, or a slap in the face if not used wisely. In which case use them to learn about wine. The 'ologies, 'onyms, 'ographies and 'ometries are very important. So we will begin summer school with these 'O' words. Remember, it's all about the Big O. Don't worry, the only tests will be taste tests because we will only apply these words to wine! First, the where of wine - geOgraphy. Wine grapes were first cultivated in the Caucasus Mountains by Caucasians hence white wine. I know, not very original. Then before heading east out of town on a sight seeing trip across the land bridge, some nearby locals suggested a new enOlogy. The how of making wine could be diversified by using red grapes for more interesting wines. These 'Redskins' suggested calling it red wine. (See where limited vocabulary leaves you). Unfortunately, global warming washed away the land bridge before they could return, so they changed their name to Indians or Native Americans and established several casinos and sports teams in the new world. The question now became what size container do you store wine in and how much wine should you drink. Well the geOmetry of wine is governed by how much you can carry, and how much you can drink safely. You'll have to judge that for yourself, but if you indulge too much it will bring you to the Onym of wine. In this case homOnym/synOnym. Let's back up first to an Ology...etymOlogy. The Olde English liked a little flourish in their words like in their favorite wine...Bordeaux. So they added extra letters that you don't pronounce or spelled words strangely. The word wine was originally a homOnym question, Whyne? So you can either cry about it 😉, or you can answer 'whynot' and drink to your hearts content. Here's the problem, 'whynot' is pronounced like pinot and is therefore a homophone for wino, which is a synOnym of drunk which has the most synOnyms of all... nearly 3000. So when the answer is yes, and the time is right make good decisions so you'll be suave and debonair, and not crocked, smashed, wasted, lit, pickled, tanked, sloshed, tight, etc. Because then you won't feel good, will probably under perform, or more likely be alone and singing the blues. Or even worse... In trouble because you're singing about O.P.P. Stay out of trouble. Drink the right amount. Life will be good and you'll be singing...Happy ever after in the market place, Desmond lets the children lend a hand. Molly stays at home and does her pretty face, And in the evening she still sings it with the band...Ob la di Ob la da life goes on bra
La la how the life goes on. Ob la di Ob la da life goes on bra. La la how the life goes on.
La la how the life goes on. Ob la di Ob la da life goes on bra. La la how the life goes on.