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Monday, December 25, 2017

Don't let The Fringe Steal Christmas

Santa's gonna find out if you're naughty or nice Antoinette!😉

Every Wine Drinker in Wineville Liked Christmas a lot...
But the lunatic Fringe and commies did NOT!
The Fringe hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be they're isis, antifa, or atheist
It could be, perhaps, that they're way too PCist!
But I think that the most likely reason of all,
Is their heart and their brain were two sizes too small.
Whatever the reason, they felt bitterness to those,
Who enjoyed Christmas Eve, sipping Cab Franc and Pinot
Staring up from their gutter with sour, fringy frowns
They hated the Christmas spirit alive in our towns.
They knew every Wine Drinker in their Wineville abodes,
Were busy now drinking, and “wink, wink” ‘neath the mistletoes
"Bottles of wine in their stockings!" They snarled with a sneer,
"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"
Then they growled, with their Scrooge fingers nervously drumming,
"We MUST find some way to stop Christmas from coming!"
For Tomorrow, they knew, all the Wine ladies and gentlemen
Would wake bright and early to uncork the Chambourcin!
And then the pop of the corks, Oh, the Noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!
That's one thing they hated! The Noise of their joys!
Then the Wine Drinkers above, would sit down to a feast.
And they'd feast! And they'd feast! And they'd FEAST! FEAST! FEAST! FEAST!
They would feast on Wine-pudding, and rare Wine roast beast.
A thing the vegan Fringe couldn't stand in the least!
And then they'd do something the Fringe liked least of all!
Every Wine Drinker in Wineville, the tall and the small,
Would uncork more wine, huddle together and watch Football
They'd sit on the couch, And the Wine Drinkers would start cheering!
They'd cheer! And they'd cheer! Without spilling the Riesling!
And the more the Fringe thought of the joys it would bring,
The more the Fringe thought, "let’s stop this Christmas thing!"
"for centuries we have put up with their Christmas celebrations!"
"time to stop Christmas and Wining just like communist nations"
Then they got an idea! An awful idea!
"we’ll make protest signs and chant they’re bigots and fascists.
Make fun of their religion, the opiate of the masses."
And they chuckled, and clucked, "What a great fringy trick!"
"With these signs and these protests, we’ll get rid of St Nick!"
"All we need is some haters, protesters and atheists
We’ll look in the basements and ‘sylums for socialists"
It didn’t matter that Christmas started western civilization
All that matters to the fringe is their selfish Godless nation
"We’ll outlaw any vestiges of the Christian tradition,
We’ll remove nativities and reinvoke prohibition"
While the Wine Drinkers were all dreaming sweet dreams without care.
The legions of Scrooges were plotting their despair
"We'll misinterpret the constitution and ban all things Christmas,
Get our culture from Seinfeld, and replace it with festivus"
When they wake up tomorrow they'll find an injunction
From the 9th circuit court, banning Christmas time functions.
"All stockings with wine will be the first things to go!
Then  we'll ban Santa Claus, bah humbug, hohoho!"
The Fringe slithered and slunk, with their smiles most unpleasant,
"We'll ban all things Christmas, and double tax every present!"
Pop guns! And bicycles! Roller skates! Drums!
Checkerboards! Tricycles! Popcorn! And plums!
It doesn't matter to them, this tradition for the masses,
Just the constipated opinion of a couple jack asses.
"They're finding out now that no Christmas is coming!"
They'll think they've been bad, and this is a punishing.
They're just waking up! We know just what they'll do!"
Their mouths will hang open a minute or two,
Then the Wine drinkers down in Wineville will all cry BooHoo!"
"That's a noise," grinned the Fringes, "That we simply MUST hear!"
So they paused. And the Fringe put their hands to their ear.
And they did hear a sound rising over the snow.
It started in low. Then it started to grow.
But the sound wasn't sad! Why, this sound sounded merry!
It couldn't be so! But it WAS merry! VERY!
Merry Christmas you filthy animals, time to go Home Alone
Your efforts to kill Christmas are like getting blood from a stone
So despite the best efforts of the A C L U
The lunatic Fringe had failed to come through
They stared up at Wineville! The Fringe popped their eyes!
Then they shook! What they saw was a shocking surprise!
Every Wine Drinker up in Wineville, the tall and the small,
Were singing and drinking with wine bottles for all!
They HADN'T stopped Christmas from coming! IT CAME!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!
And the Fringe, with their fringe brains in the hellfire below,
Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?"
"We banned their festivities! We heavily taxed the wine!"
"We outlawed their verbiage, it’s just not PC they whined!"
And they puzzled three hours, till their puzzlers were sore.
Then the Fringe thought of something they hadn't before!
"Maybe Christmas," they thought, "doesn't come from a store."
"Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"
And what happened then? Wineville they say,
That the Fringe's small brain grew three sizes that day!
They realized if you don’t like the message of the nativity
Then keep it to yourself and save the price of a new Christmas tree
Abandon the fringes, the grinches, the wench
Embrace Christmas spirit and you'll go down as a mensch.
Don’t hate on the Magi, the Lord or Christianity
Rejoice in your day off, Home Alone speaking silently
The rest of us will drink wine and share in the glory
Of our Red Ryder BB Gun, Pink Onesie and A Christmas Story

Don’t shoot your eye out!

Merry Christmas and a redux of last year's poem as a bonus gift from Santa. 🎅🍷

Remember Santa Claus is watching Antoinette,

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house 
Not a drop of wine present, no way to get soused; 
The stockings were empty, the Christmas tree bare, 
In need of St. Nicholas to slake my despair; 
The children were sleeping, a free night ahead; 
No visions of sugar-plums, just more wine instead; 
With momma in her onesie, and room enough for Pap,
We'd settled our brains, wink ;), no need for a nap! 
Then out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. 
And what to my wondering eyes did appear, 
But a miniature sleigh and eight cases of cheer, 
With a little old driver so lively and quick, 
I knew in a moment he must be St. Nick. 
My night had been rescued, there was wine on the way,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: 
"Here's Cab Franc! And Malbec! And Pinot are you listening! 
More Cab Sauv! And Champagne! Now time to get Blitzen!"
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! 
Ain't got no time for that, just leave it in the hall!
So up to the doorstep, the reindeer they drew 
With the sleigh full of wine, and munchies for two;
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his boot, 
And his clothes were all tarnished with wine stains and soot; 
Eight cases of wine he had flung on his back, 
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. 
His eyes, how they twinkled! his dimples, how merry! 
No doubt he'd been sampling, the wine he been ferrying!  
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread; 
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Uncorking the bottles, icing down the Gewürz!
And laying his finger aside of his nose, 
Wink wink and a nod, out the front door he goes; 
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, 
And away they all flew like a Max Scherzer missile.
And I heard him exclaim, as he flew out of sight
"Christmas wouldn't be Christmas, without onesies and wine flights!"

Merry Christmas to all!

Monday, December 18, 2017

2017 Gift Guide

Raison d'etre is wine not raisins Antoinette,

Time to get a move on. It's the 4th quarter of advent, the game is on the line, and it's time to finish strong and score the perfect gift. Since this is the season of giving I've got a couple of surefire suggestions... the gifts that keep on giving... free advice and wine! First of all, to all you jihadist terrorists out there wanting to disrupt holiday festivities by blowing yourself up with Black Cat firecrackers💣 in NYC subways, you may want to rethink your martyrdom. Koran scholar, Mashdi, has determined the word for virgin has been mistranslated and actually means raisins. Now don't get me wrong, an extra scoop of raisins sometimes can make you right, by that I mean regular, but I'm not sure the terrorist recruitment poster would be all that successful if it was a box of Sun-Maid raisins instead of 72 nubile lasses👙. Raisins are raisins for a reason... they couldn't cut it as wine grapes. My advice to you is the hereafter is a mystery, don't put all your grapes in one basket and don't get stuck eating fiber for eternity. Choose the wine grape and enjoy heaven on earth in a nice Barolo. You'll have more friends, and who knows... you might meet a lovely young virgin who likes you as you are... in one piece!😁 Next, apparently there's a new space type movie🛰 sequel that just came out for little kids🙆‍♂️, I mean for all grounded adults and children reading above grade level...I think it's called,  Star Wars: Return of the Return of the Jedi from the Final Frontier (gee I hope that didn't trigger anyone... but if Superman can meet up with Ben Affleck, then I don't see how Captain Kirk and Captain Vader wouldn't eventually run into each other at the Officer's Club). You would need something out of this world for that occasion, go with Chateau Margeaux. Now, don't get triggered, but I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, and when all the white is gone I'll start in on the red😉🍷 Actually, I'm sure there will be snowflakes❄... you know... the kind that melt... just stick your tongue out and say polar ice cap... it will sound like the Wicked Witch of the West (Hollywood? ) ... I'm melting! According to British insurance company, Aviva, 3/4 of all millenials take offense to being called snowflakes and believe it causes added anxiety and hurt feelings.😭 Hmm. My advice to the land of Churchill and snowflakes everywhere, is to follow his lead... drink day and night and smoke good cigars.🥂 I call it the gift of the backbone... and I would pair this with a fortified wine... make it a gift of Port.  And finally, time to pat myself on the back and accept the deserved weekly inspirations for the masses to drink wine have paid off... the Washington area has just been awarded the honor of America's heaviest drinkers! 👑🥇🏆When I came to this region years ago...I had one vision in mind MAGA-BDWAOABOC*. Hard work always pays off in the end so let me get to the Christmas party before Captain Kirk says something inappropriate to Princess Leia... that would be a Space Oddity, but it's ok, I outrank him...This is Major Tom to Ground Control. I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way,
And the stars look very different today
For here am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world, planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do...

*Make America Great Again by drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages of choice

Monday, December 11, 2017


Always give 💯% unless it's blood Antoinette.

Ah, the holidays are upon us and people are all about giving. We're making our lists for Santa, and playing Santa for others. 🎅Christmas spirit abounds with the good will to be had by all. And most importantly, there's ample opportunity to share in good cheer with that other stocking stuffer...better known as wine.😉 (Remember, if you are following the Advent calendar we are 2 Sunday's in... you should be transitioning to reds now). 🍷For those of you who prefer to celebrate the baby Jesus, lyin' there in [his] ghost manger, just lookin' at Baby Einstein developmental videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors, Instead of the adult Jesus with a beard who I believe liked Lynyrd Skynyrd and before he changed religions then you can go ahead and start with manischewitz when Hanukkah kicks off tomorrow. 🕎Actually, I'm not sure, but that might be your only choice.🤔  However, I am sure that Kinky Friedman was right when he sang "they ain't making Jews like Jesus anymore..." Anyway, regardless if you follow the Old or the New, this last year is a Testament that people are totes cray and we are gonna need all the gluhwein and manischewitz we can find to make it to New Year's. So fill up your glass and lets knock the edge off for all the bitter souls upset about elections, appropriated Halloween costumes, professors who don't grant extensions, inanimate statues, triggering words and Goodell suspending the best running back thereby ruining fantasy teams and America's team in one fail swoop. Also, the holidays are no time to relish in your own personal schadenfreude. If you weren't with her then don't gloat. Nor should you be rubbing it in that you escaped the Bern and the burn. Although there may be some similarities, California is not the home of Sodom and Gomorrah... besides, it's the home of great wines so the last thing we want is a real life "Inferno" movie. And though it may be fun to make fun of the least popular entity in public opinion polls below even Hollywood, the 4th estate, there's no sense wasting time worrying about fake news📰, Rachel Madcow, or the Puffington Host. If they want to ruin watching Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer for themselves by claiming it's a parable on racism and homophobia, then it's just too deep for them to understand. Better leave it to the intelligentsia...4 year olds. Instead, I suggest we use the holidays to spread goodwill, accept our differences, show respect for all, and embrace some Old Testament knowledge from Proverbs: "Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to those who are bitter of heart... and remember his misery no more." That's something we can build on just like a good Carpenter, then we can all sing 👨‍🎤...sing a song. Sing out loud,
Sing out strong. Sing of good things not bad.
Sing of happy not sad. Sing, sing a song,
Make it simple to last your whole life long.
Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone
Else to hear, just sing, sing a song.

Let's get some kumbaya up in here!

Monday, December 4, 2017

It's the Advent of Wining over Whining

Overserving wine is an oxymoron Antoinette,

People often complain about the crass commercialization of Christmas compounded with the commensurate credit card 💳carnage contaminating Christianity's celebration of the coming of the "8 pound 6 ounce newborn infant... don't even know a word yet" Christ child. The build up commences too soon. Stress compounds problems and our composure creating cynical citizens more correctly called Scrooge! Bah humbug! Time to stop forgetting what the season is all about and remember tis the season to be jolly and that we have much for which to be thankful. Besides, Claus is checking his charts and you don't want planet destroying coal in your stocking. (Though ironically, if you warm the planet by burning coal,🌡 you won't need coal to warm up thereby saving the planet. I think I just turned that carbon into a diamond!💎 Treat the Earth well🌎, it's not Uranus!) Get on Santa's good list. Remember Christmas is about sharing, and since Advent kicked off yesterday I think it's appropriate to make good use of the advent calendar. Behind every daily panel should be the name of the wine you will share with those around you. That way, good tidings to all with a little sumpin', sumpin' for yourself... and it will be a jolly, jolly Christmas, and no worrying about first world problems like "nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in poo poo" because we have the first world solution... wine!🍷The Christmas tree will be a safe space for all. Then we can celebrate with our friends and family all that we have and a week of moments to acknowledge. First a toast to our founding father George and the anniversary of the monument erected in his honor which is in no way a Freudian slip or meant to suggest that it's a 555 ft symbol of oppression to all those who might feel oppressed and confused as to what a tall pointy building of stone really actually is....psst, a tall building of stone.🥂 Then we can commemorate a date that still lives in infamy...Pearl Harbor Day🇺🇸(remember infamy is ok for sneak attackers, but fame is the preferable toast with a famously good Alexander Valley Cab). Then finish with a nod to the state that got this party started and always brings up an interesting  question... what did Delaware? She wore her New Jersey of course. I know, I know... I'll stop there and go see what did Tennessee? Oh what...Arkansas?😄 Got it. Bring Joy to the World and make December the advent of giving, sharing, and drinking famously good wines with those you know and don't know. Who knows, it may even help with your joke making ability. It's the holiday season, don't forget to set your scales back 10 pounds and let's make this the best of the Four Seasons and a December like one from the good ol days when... [we] felt a rush like a rolling bolt of thunder, Spinning [our] heads around and taking [our] body's under...Oh, what a night, Late December, back in '63. What a very special time for [we]...
As I remember, what a night

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