Photo Art

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bastille Day: Qu'ils mangent de la brioche

Bon Matin Antoinette, 

In honor of Bastille Day, and in honor of the Frenchies first attempt at a Republic (they are now on lucky number 5) we should take pause and reflect on what they have given the world and where they should have done things a little differently starting with the French Revolution and their motto (a result of faulty translation). For instance, in our revolution, we came up with the motto that covers all the bases, life, liberty and the pursuit of the French would say "carte blanche"...which means we can drink wine to our hearts content. The French mistakenly made theirs liberté, egalité, and fraternité when they meant to say fraternities, which would then be a euphemism for wine drinking and bacchanalian festivities."Hey Pierre, it's all about the accent"...accent marks ruin a lot of things...reminds you of tedious things like diagramming sentences in language class, and reminds the French of Robespierre lopping heads off...thank goodness the Reign of Terror ended and the French could go back to doing what they do best...make a great bottle of vin! Which is why the French motto should be "Burgundy, Bordeaux et Champagne tout le monde" and guaranteed they would still be on their first republic, nobody in the world would suffer from a Napoleon complex, students would be Less Miserable for not having to suffer through Victor Hugo and the Germans would have stayed home and ordered wine online instead of blitzkrieging across the border everytime the French went on strike and disrupted shipping. Wine brings a unity that even the Brits wouldn't exit. So time to dust off the gramophone, put on some Edith Piaff singing La Marseilles, don your beret, visit your local cafe, order a bottle of that special Bordeaux, eat some cake, light up a Gauloise, pretend you're reading Sartre, wear your best bored with the world expression and mutter mon dieu, je pense donc je suis, chin chin and viva la france!

Can't have French wine without the French, and you can't drink all day unless you start early.  

Joyeaux Quatorze Juillet 

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