Hola Antoinette
Bitter that even the Irish pubs and their many wine drinkers had a holiday to celebrate, Mexican Americans realized they also needed to find an excuse for a Fiesta and drinking wine to share with America. Since there are too many saints to choose from and only one military success, the decision was easy...their May 5th victory over the French. Of course the Battle was more like a soccer match, (an international friendly as they call them) where not much happened, and OMD*, the French quickly laid down their arms and reportedly said, "je pense, donc je suis" which roughly translated means..."why fight when there is wine to drink... we will bring the vino tinto and vino blanco, and you bring the music, nachos, and piñatas!" So make your Fiesta yuuuuge, get a piñata of your favorite presidential candidate and remember this isn't St Patricks Day, so no green cards needed! Wine bridges all rivers, climbs all walls, and traverses all tunnels. Leave your papers at home, and celebrate this victory by dancing la cucaracha and guzzling wine like it's tequila on a Tijuana Saturday night. Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Baila!**
*oh mon dieu
**fyi, dancing is like standing still, only faster
Also, remember su Madre on Sunday. Nothing says I love you more than champagne, and nothing says I can't hear you if it's su Madre in law more than a big cabernet.
It's all in the art of the deal!
May 5, 2016
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