Rise and shine it's time for wine Antoinette! (5:00 somewhere)
Choosing a wine like choosing a president can be a difficult decision especially when (hypothetically speaking, 😉) the only Deplorables are the candidates. We certainly have to choose the right varietal for the occasion, we might want to consider it's background, age, the health of the vintage, whether or not it's a yuuuuge wine, is it glossy packaging with no weight, or a wine trading on a name, but no character. Finally, we have to decide on cost/benefit. Some people have a beer budget and champagne tastes, some have a champagne budget and beer tastes, and some people just prefer box wine. It doesn't matter....it's whatever floats your boat, or in this case your kidneys. Thank goodness we are all different...what if everyone was Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller's Day Off..."anyone, anyone?" boring!
Varietals are the spice of life. Whether you drink your wine in a crystal goblet, or a dixie cup...the choice is yours. It's not important whether it came from the box or the top shelf...don't get caught up in the extended pinkie crowd judging people on their tastes...like Mlk said, you don't want to be judged by the color of the skin of the grape you drink, but rather the content and character of the grapes...each man...cabernet or chard drinker...is capable of choosing the right wine for their budget until such a time when all God's children will be able to join hands and sing "free at last, free at last, thank God almighty this wine is free at last!" At which time you will be able to put that "free" vintage Bordeaux next to that "free" degree from Harvard. Word to the next president, you're the president of all Americans... Thunderbird drinkers as well as Dom Perignon...the votes count the same unless you live in Chicago, then it's set on auto repeat. Drink up America, choose a wine that tastes good and doesn't send you to the poor house....we are all smart enough to do that and our only phobia is "outtawineaphobia"!
P.S. wine cures pneumonia and excessive hyperbole, it's the new wonder drug and way cheaper than an EpiPen....usually!
Chin chin and Oogy Wawa.
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