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Monday, December 5, 2016

The Weather Channel

Bundle up Antoinette,

So is the weather getting warmer? Are the ice caps melting? Is it the non Prius drivers fault? While I am a huge supporter of all the wildlife dependent on cold weather like the polar bear, penguins and ski bunnies, I do think we should consider this possibility thoroughly before handing Al Gore another pot full of green energy money that will disappear into ozone free air faster than you can say An Inconvenient Truth! (I know, I know he invented the Internet...give him a break). But seriously, if the earth is warming (2 feet of snow in Hawaii to the contrary this weekend) and no matter if it's natural or man made, wouldn't more and longer warm weather equal more vines and more wine? And wouldn't less winter mean less snow days which just means more learning for them kids? Am I missing something here? Everyone's a winner. So green people take note. I'll explain it clearly and simply in red, white and sparkling with a touch of alliteration and a modicum of homonym on the ear. Before you whine about the weather and wind, wind down a little with wine. Whiners are annoying, whereas wining is winning with fellow winers who see the big picture about weather, whether you believe winter is coming or not. Don't be wistful about cold weather, rather get out some cards for a game of Whist and play the cards you're dealt! It's all in the wrist in Whist and wine. It's ok if you disagree with me, I can't force you to be right, but I can implore you to Drink Wine, Don't Whine! The truth can be conveniently found in all bottles of wine. Whiners take note, cuz if you never know truth then you never know love...where's the love, y'all. 

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

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