Cleanliness is next to Godliness Antoinette,
What to drink about? What to drink about? Well America sometimes the reason is obvious why we should pour a glass of wine. Celebrate some great occasion, or maybe commiserate over some bad tiding. Last year was easy...we had to endure the election cycle...always a reason to drink wine. Speaking personally, I don't need outside inspirations. The reason is always right in front of me. There's a full wine bottle...and here's an empty glass...correct the problem! I'm a problem solver, and I'm good at what I do. However, others are less about solving problems and more about celebrating so I'll give you two things we should be celebrating this week. The first one of course happened yesterday. A huuuuge event that to my way of thinking should happen more often than the first Sunday in February. If you missed the celebration yesterday then you have my permission to extend the party. That's right...National Shower With a Friend Day. Any excuse to go green and save water I always say. Some want to make America great, I want to make America clean! Of course baths are perfectly acceptable and easier to drink don't want to dilute the bubbly. I would also suggest you choose your friend carefully, or drink a lot of wine beforehand...not everyone looks like Tom and Giselle sans wine! It's also probably a good idea that your friend isn't "attached" to another friend...let's not complicate this too much. Once you've washed behind your ears, it's time to get out (the prune look is never good) and move on to the big event of the week...National Kraut and Frankfurter Week. Hot Dog! Nothing cries out for a glass of the good stuff more than a delicious weiner! Spice up your life. Get sloppy! Load that puppy up with the works. Share a bottle or two of Malbec, or maybe a German reisling...then jump back in the guys are gonna need to clean up!😆
And congrats to the Atlanta Falcons, I fell asleep in the 3rd quarter so I missed the end but I'm sure they had a fun night celebrating their first Super Bowl win! Just wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older!
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