You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in Antoinette.
Well America... it's time for our annual physical so grab ankle and cough.🌡 Time to get the score of the game and see what's the current State of the Union, or as hashtaggers like to say, SOTU! This imagery is vivid I know, and it might make you think of one of two things... if you're Kevin Bacon it's "Thank you sir, may I have another." And if you live near the nation's capital it might make you think of being incarcerated because Washington, D.C., is where the only politicians with convictions are in prison... (Ba doom cha, here all week... try the bread and water) Hopefully nobody was humming dueling banjos in their head, ugh! Anyway, in the SOTU the President will talk about how he's making America great and what's next. Then the opposition will rebut with how he's not and what they would do if "What happened" hadn't happened. Just curious, but in the midst of the #metoo climate, don't you think the Dems may want to roll some other political family out besides the Kennedy's and Clinton's? 🤔Asking for a friend. Anyway, today I've been given the honor of assessing the SOTU through wine filled glasses🍷. Wine is about optimism, about possibilities, about how the future captures the past and we learn from the lessons of experience it teaches us.🥂 Hope, trial and error, and pursuit of perfection. Pretty good metaphor for America me thinks. And since I was always taught that it's a good idea to include a quote from an authoritative source in any speech, I thought I'd give my argument substance and help bring about e pluribus unum from this nation of free states and slave states, red states and blue states. So who better than the good Doctor to get us started on the right foot...So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean. Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.🍷🥂🍾Remember brothers and sisters, comrades in arms, all my peeps and the ones on the wait list...a house divided against itself cannot stand. That doesn't mean we all have to agree on a single varietal, it just means we need to share in each other's wisdom...and wine... you can top me off, thanks. Democracies are about compromise, so let me implore all the swamp creatures 🦎to come to the SOTU loaded... with wine for all. It's the perfect something to cross the aisle for and with. It's the affordable universal health plan...for all adults. You youngins are gonna have to stick with the 'tussin until you're old enough! It's the compromise in a bottle and a solution in every glass. It's what made Beauty love the Beast and Elisa love the Creature from the Black Lagoon.💘 Since we are talking about the swamp, wine will get the Oscar as the best Shape of Water!😁🏆Let's be thankful for the good things in our life and the blessings of America no matter which party gets the credit. And let's work towards compromise and constructive dialogue on our pressing issues. Time to uncork the bottle, share the wine and wash the enmity away. There are always divisions we just need to listen to Leon and build Bridges over the rivers of divide...
Tip me in your smooth waters
I go in
As a man with many crimes
Come up for air
As my sins flow down the Jordan
Oh, I wanna come near and give ya
Every part of me
But there's blood on my hands
And my lips aren’t clean
Take me to your river
I wanna go
Go on,
Take me to your river
I wanna know