You like apples? How about these apples Antoinette?
Ideally speaking, it's a good idea to spread good ideas. And since modern technology has given us the capability and we aren't luddites we can share in all the good ideas floating around the www💻 relaxing in idyllic settings and sipping on the ideal Bordeaux🍷 while reading or listening to the latest piece of ideological brilliance from the scientifically proven, fact checked ideas from any of the plethora of trusted outlets and ideologues available on A.G.'s internet machine of your choosing. Though he may have been wrong about the world melting by 2010🏜...and who could have predicted every state in the union would begin 2018 with below freezing temperatures☃️ (I'm pretty sure I saw a polar bear in the nation's capital) least he got this weekend right... thanks for the thaw...and I'm sure you appreciated the break on your $30,000 utility bill... that must have been inconvenient...true story! At least he left us with the ability to answer all our questions just a mouse click away. Don't listen to Jack, you can handle the truth...for good ideas just listen to the man... no not "The Man", he's shut down at the moment... has anybody noticed? I'm talking about TED. TED is the guy for anything you want to talk about regarding Technology, Entertainment and Design. But what you probably didn't know is TED's last name is WINE and that's where I come in...TED asked me to say a few words about why Wine Is Necessary Everyday. Remember, as I often say, in vino veritas, in wine there is truth. It may be inconvenient at times Al, but it helps us focus on what we're up against in this life and for those of you not working today, gives you something constructive to do with your hands. 🍷The first thing to remember is that wine represents's pro-life (don't get your diapers in a bunch, I'm not talking about that...though wine does make you more fertile, more romantic, and how should I say this, more prolific 🗼🌋)! With wine in your life, there's something to look forward to everyday. Besides being the elixir of happiness, it wards off disease, keeps you looking younger, makes you more eloquent and others better looking... eventually! It's also the best line of defense against oxidants as well as the best weapon against free radicals. No, I'm not talking about the basement dwelling lazy toxic byproduct of communist/socialist thought who believe like Diogenes that "the best wine is that for which other people pay"...we have Venezuela for that. I'm talking about the evils in your body. Wine is the only "tonic" scientifically proven to cleanse both mind and body. You can check this on my newly created fact check site, "Are You F'ing Kidding Me," guaranteed to be 100% accurate. Just check AYFKM if you have doubts.🤔 It's also the drink of choice if you wanna be "woke" to the kleptocratic politicians out there. You know the ones who wanted to be president or hold another high office because it looked good on their resume. Or those who, after years of public service on the public dime, somehow managed to leave office at the little known GS Level I like to call 💲GazillionaireS💲. That kind of public service is aka the oldest profession! The way to MAGA, is to pay our elected and appointed officials with wine. It will make them lucid, healthy, and producers of many future taxpayers. Speaking of which in case you were worried about the shutdown of Big Brother, the government will maintain vital services such as the military and IRS collections. However, other things like tax returns and the CDC will be on hold. Consequently, the only way to protect your health and get you through the tough times until you get your return is to drink wine. And for those of you unhappy about having to pay less taxes and receiving a company bonus, wine will help and don't worry it's taxed! For any additional money you have remaining from the tax cut and bonus you feel ill-entitled to, I'm starting a gofundme for hardworking, taxpaying, winedrinking individuals who believe wine is the answer to life's problems, not their Big Brother! So siblings follow me and I'll lead you away from the lowest level of Buddhist hell...🤔😉🥂
Hey brother! There's an endless road to rediscover
Hey sister! Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker
Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
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