Was the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz real or just a straw man Antoinette?
If you've ever debated or wondered about the validity and necessity for the Electoral College then look no farther than Santa Barbara California. Lord help us if just the popular vote, legal and illegal🙊, decides the whole country's future. Yikes! That's right, the left coast has done it again, and this time it's the last straw... literally! In a city made up of a large part 1%ers, but also sanctuary to all those seeking a Mediterranean climate to hide from ICE, Police, Voter registrars, and public bathrooms 🚽in Santa Barbara, California, it is now illegal to dispense straws... plastic or paper! In fact each dispensing of an individual straw can get you a 1000$ fine and 6 months in jail. To put in perspective, if a waiter had the misfortune of serving sodas with straws to the Santa Barbara youth soccer league⚽️ end of the year party at Chuck E Cheese, they would go to jail for life...(only because Cali doesn't enforce the death penalty). After taking a straw poll among reasonable people (don't worry, I didn't leave a paper trail or plastic trail for that matter), I've come to the conclusion that banning straws sucks! Except that it doesn't... at least not anymore. 🤔 Just another example of not thinking things through. Has no one on the SB city council thought of the ramifications? What about noise pollution? Just think of how much slurping will be going on. Think of all the messes that will be created when the ice dam in your legal plastic cup breaks spilling its contents all over you or the person next to you because you couldn't drink safely with a straw and lid. This will surely lead to crying, screaming, slippery surfaces, health code violations, bar fights, and unsightly bib wear. What if it spreads to Hollywood and they want a little candy but they don't have any bills at hand. What then? 🙈😉 I think they may have their priorities mixed up a little. So no jail time for illegally entering the country, illegally voting, public defecation, knowingly transmitting HIV, etc etc... but don't you dare give that kid a straw... not to mention the 9th circuit court may have upheld the 2nd amendment recently (I know! Charleton Heston is rolling over in his grave still clutching his gun), but with the caveat that shooting spit wads through straws was not protected. Now don't get me wrong, I dislike pollution as much as the next guy and I don't even use straws, but this is a straw man argument except there's no man, and not just because it's California either🙊, but because it's just a fallacy without a bad guy. Of course a common argument by the uneducated, intellectually dim, or politically motivated without any substance, fact, or ethical integrity is to use a straw man argument. It plays well to large crowds of the bell curve ilk... but ultimately doesn't solve anything. People are smarter than California city councils think. If they are aware of a problem they'll fix it... and in the meantime they can listen to me. If you want to solve the world's straw problem, Drink More Wine!🍷 No straw required, and no ice dams to wreak havoc. Finally, here's something worthwhile California gives us...great wine!🥂 More wine for the adults, more sippy cups for the tots🍼, and maybe recycle boxes for straws for the in-betweeners.( maybe the LGBTQXPALIDOCIOUS needs to add a new letter) 🤔 Then maybe Californians can worry about real problems like this year's vintage, what to call the next fastest and furiest movie, and why everyone makes fun of them even though they have so much sun, surf and sand?🤔 Keep the Electoral College, keep drinking California wine, and clean up after yourself without being told. Now let's get stoked on some gnarly old vine zin and some straw free waves dude. It'll be trippindicular man. Where's Jan and Dean, I wanna go to Surf City, I hear it's my kind of place...
They say they never roll the streets up 'cause there's always somethin' goin'
(Surf City, here we come)
You know they're either out surfin' or they got a party growin'
(Surf City, here we come)
Yeah, and there's two swingin' honeys for every guy
And all you gotta do is just wink your eye
And we're goin' to Surf City, gonna have some fun, now