Aliens are a space race that aren't in the space race, Antoinette.
I've often written about the vagaries of the English language and how many words have various meanings, or how many words with various meanings sound alike making it difficult for people to understand. Think how hard it must be for Illegal aliens! No I'm not talking about sick birds from other countries🤔😁, or those poor asylum seekers who just want to cut the grass, clean the pool, and take care of Amber Heard's children. I'm talking about real aliens.(And I bet you thought the Space Force was unnecessary). Ha! Little green creatures from outer space...not the space between your ears where fantasy land is created and MySpace got its clientele. Well I hate to break it to you comic-cons, Jedi masters and Trekkies, but you're gonna need a safe space...according to Oxford University scientists we are alone in the universe and will never meet intelligent life forms!😭 In other words, the universe has a big Hollywood sign on's just a big back lot for fantasy land. But don't worry all you cosplay Captain Kirk and Leia fans...if you want to meet a princess just go to England, or up the road to San Fran for that matter🙊 #imwithher. And if you want to find intelligent life in space...its very need to plant the field of dreams, grapes, in outer space and they will come. However, if you don't have light years to travel and you want to find intelligent life without the rocket lag🚀, then drink more wine🍷 and avoid listening to Hollyweirders, rockstars, Instagram models, paid protesters, basement dwellers, anybody with a poster of Che, Facebook ranters and memers, tweeters, drivers of cars pasted in stickers, most politicians, and everyone who thinks hypocrisy is a virtue because they don't see their hypocrisy...this is called cognitive dissonance...and is the black plague of our time. The only known cure is the enlightenment found in a bottle of wine🍾. In vino veritas! And speaking of MySpace and Planet XXX, did you see the photos of Uranus...they are all over the internet! 🙉Just try to visualize. Apparently something big crashed into Uranus a long time ago, which is why it's wobbly now and can be proven by Uranus's 27 moon photos...I thought that crack would crack you up. 🙈 And while we are on Uranus, I was just thinking of another confusing word that came to me this morning...constitutional! 🙊This of course comes from constitution which means many things including health, anatomy, physical condition, composition, charter, laws, and bill of rights. Basically, you want your constitution to be constitutional which is why you drink coffee in the morning and wine at night🚽😁. It's also why you want judges who believe the Constitution is constitutional📃, otherwise the Constitutional Convention would have been a waste of time and Charmin would have lost money. Not to mention all those hours the conventioneers gathered, drinking wine to steel their constitutions and enlighten their brain would be for naught and the world would be back in the Dark Ages. Remember, even though Ben Franklin and the other conventioners were old white guys...he was pretty smart, drank a lot of wine, knew how to save a penny, and showed us the light when he discovered electricity without EDM, light sabers or wired basements...not to mention a 4 page Constitution of brilliance. Time for unity and sanity to return to the universe this week. So pop a cork and drink up as we laugh at funny words, remember why and who M.A.G. and commemorate the anniversary of that wine drinking astronaut who took, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"🚀🌗... now there's intelligent life in space for you. Believe it...that's real news📰. Remember to avoid the siren call of the witch, avoid deep space (state) darkness and crashing on the rocks with Electric Lights, and listen to the Orchestra instead...
Hey woman, you got the blues
Cos' you ain't got no one else to use
There's an open road that leads nowhere
So just make some miles
Between here and there...
Ha Ha woman it's a crying shame
But you ain't got nobody else to blame
Evil woman, evil woman, evil woman, evil woman
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