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Monday, September 24, 2018

Gunter glieben glauchen globen 

The hills are alive with Rieslings this morning Fräulein Antoinette,

If April showers bring may flowers, then what do September showers bring? They bring a lot of whine that’s what😭, and that’s not the good side of that homonym pair!👎 But enough of the whining, the hysterical screeching, the hyperbolic wailing, and the inane’s wet enough out here. Thanks Flo!⛈ Remember when the country had adults voting and governing? Yeah me either...but on this day in 1789 the greatest judicial body in history was established, the US Supreme Court, 🏛on the heels of the greatest document, the US Constitution,📃 and the day before the Bill of Rights passed Congress. That was some work!👍 Now we get a daily barrage of puerile rants by temper tantrum throwing, unAmerican “babies” who think the constitution is unconstitutional when they don’t get their every whim indulged...cast aspersions, sulk, pout, and denigrate the institutions that allow them freedom and safety to act like what only the French can describe...enfant terrible! 😣Well if there is one way to cure this whine and turn September into a month of Wine-ing instead🍾, it’s to look to the Germans! Ach du Lieber! Just ask the French...oh mon dieu! That’s right, wipe the tears away little babies, and put some “Milch” in that bottle!🍼 Some Liebfraumilch. Don’t worry it tastes like it could be in a juice box and should go well with your animal crackers🐪. And for those of you who like your wine and your wit a little dryer and complex, then fill a glass with a Grosse Gewächs Riesling from Rheinhessen and let’s all shout a hearty Ein Prosit to Oktoberfest!🥂 Apparently the Germans couldn’t wait for October to get here either since they start celebrating in September. That’s right... this is one time it's good to act like the Germans.  So throw some brats on the grill🌭, fill your stein with beer🍺 or wine🍷, don your lederhosen, put on your polka shoes, grab St Pauli's Girl or Hansel (don't worry Gretel won't mind and St Paul isn't allowed🙈), and wash away the wet whine of September by getting wet on the inside. Time to share some hospitality the German way, gemutlichkeit, and get blitzed... the good way England!🚀 And without the krieg France!⚡ 🙊Now that's funny I don't care who you are.🍻 I knew there was a Riesling to drink today🙉.Life is all about how you frame things so I suggest framing your view with wine, and maybe throw in a slice of 🍎strudel...mmmm, that hit the spot and I can't hear the whine anymore.  Makes you want to sing in German. And speaking of spots and singing, it makes you want to sing loud enough to overcome a Tiger Roar and crowd🏌️‍♂️, or even so a Def Leppard could hear you singing Rock of Ages

Gunter glieben glauchen globen 
All right 
I got something to say 
Yeah, it's better to burn out 
Yeah, than fade away 
All right 
Ow Gonna start a fire 
Rise up! gather round 
Rock this place to the ground 
Burn it up let's go for broke 
Watch the night go up in smoke 
Rock on! Rock on!...
Rock of ages, rock of ages 
Still rollin', keep a-rollin' 
Rock of ages, rock of ages 
Still rollin', rock'n'rollin

Monday, September 17, 2018

Morning Constitutional

Of course size matters... who wants a small glass of wine Antoinette?

Happy Constitution Day America! It's a good day to remember that the document was created to restrain the government, and to free the citizenry. So drink plenty of coffee and let yourself go.😉🙈#MAGA  Also one of the reasons why when judging the Constitution, it's important to have a judge that doesn't think It's unconstitutional🤔.(JK😉) Taking that load off would be a relief.(SMH) It's also a good time to remember the seasons are changing and nothing braces the constitution of you "regular" types more than the embrace of something you love. So as we transition into fall, back to school, football season🏈, the lack of white clothing options, etc it's a good time to remember other important considerations that can be vital in ensuring that the upcoming cool nights will be cozy, warm and inviting. Afterall, you will want to make that special someone feel special with that special something if you know what I mean?😉 And if this is something you are inexperienced at, or perhaps it's your first time doing it, then it's doubly important to remember that when you finally decide to invite someone over to take the plunge🎆🎉, you'll want to make the experience as pleasurable as you can. No rush jobs, amateurish fumblings, and half measures. Once the seal is broken you can't put that toothpaste back in the tube so to speak🙊, so you have to be prepared...and you'll want to do everything you can to make the moment special! No regrets! Just make sure that special someone you're opening up with is worthy of sharing something so special. Also remember, that though the world may seem casual and unsophisticated...too busy to take time and enjoy life's finer things, and more interested in selfies than insuring that others around are enjoying the experience... you need to remember its not just about your own enjoyment.☝️  Set the mood... the lights, music, and munchies if that's your thing.🍨 Now you're ready to take care of your guest, or guests for you ambitious types🙉...and fulfill their wants. Finally, even though there are many shapes and sizes out there it's important to remember that size does matter...and not just size... shape is also important! Your mouth will tell you what's right!😃😜 It might not be a deal breaker depending on your "thirst" but if something doesn't smell right you might not like how the evening ends😝...yeah I know #metoo.That's why it's paramount for mutual satisfaction that before you "pop the cork" you've selected the appropriate wine glass to match the varietal🍷🤣. It's kind of like if I  had been talking about people, it would be important to match compatible types to get the most out of an's all about the proper fit😉.  So now that it's Fall and a great time to uncork those special bottles of Cab, Pinot, Sparkling et al...just make sure you have the right glass to maximize the taste...I promise it will enhance your drinking experience...and who may even get lucky, and someone will send you a bouquet⚘ because your bouquet was on point👍! And next time you open a bottle, be like JT and say a toast cuz I'm sure you're like me and thinking of the Carolinas...

In my mind I'm gone to Carolina
Can't you see the sunshine?
Can't you just feel the moonshine?
Ain't it just like a friend of mine
To hit me from behind?
Yes, I'm gone to Carolina in my mind

Monday, September 10, 2018

Just Do It

Wine makes all things possible Antoinette.

Well America, this past week sure ended with some craziness. But I guess I should have seen it coming on the calendar since after M and T we get to WTF!🙉 It was certainly not a banner week for modeling adult behavior beginning with Crazy lady Islamic terrorist Linda SarSourPuss's ululations and hysterical shrieking on Capital Hill🙈. Then the Senate tried to join in on the fun. When did screaming and whining and shrieking and childish histrionics become parliamentary procedure?😭  We all know Grandstanding is the norm for politicians, but not everyone goes for the "Spartacus" moment when fact checking is easy🤣. Oh yeah, I forgot... Just Do It! Or for that matter, tennis finals procedure?🎾  I know, I know that behavior has been around on the courts forever...long before the iGen came along🍼... but you're a mom now!🤰 Apparently, the world now has Carte Blanche to believe in anything you want if you're willing to risk everything. Everything? Money? Self respect? Integrity? Hmm...Just do it...I guess... you know... if you feel like it that is...or not... you know...whatever. I wonder if that's what OJ was thinking🙊.  Well some might believe in validating their 2 year olds behavior and sacrificing their maturity, and certainly nothing wrong with  believing in making a buck on the newest "rage"🇺🇸 even if it means sacrificing any pretense about money grubbin', or anything for a vote for that matter... Just Do It! I guess I'll go ahead and jump on this bandwagon as well...I believe in something. I believe I'll have some more wine and all I'll have to sacrifice is the cost of the bottle🍷. There! Just Did It! Cheers!🥂 Now this is for drinking age America. Enough of the superficial where no thought is longer than a meme or tweet. Enough of the antics and childish behavior...the youngins are watching and modeling. We adults need to be more like wine. Show depth and understanding. Exhibit the patience and perseverance of great vintages. Extend the cordiality of an uncorked bottle among friends. Practice the restraint of a careful pour and moderate drinking. And respect the uniqueness of the individual... each varietal deserves no less. They say actions speak louder than words. So get things moving by opening a bottle of wine and sharing. It makes everyday more civilized and drowns out all the whine. The 9/11 anniversary is tomorrow reminding us that this world needs adults to deal with real issues... not histrionics and Twitter wars. Time to grow up America and face the work week, then this weekend you can jump on that B.T. Express and Just Do It... 

Everybody knows what they'd like to do
Whatever it is, do it, as long as it pleases you
Just take some time and relax your mind
Then do it, do it, do it 'till you're satisfied

Go on and do it
Do it, do it 'til you're satisfied
(Whatever it is)
Do it, do it 'til you're satisfied
Go on and do it
Do it, do it 'til you're satisfied
(Whatever it is)
Do it, do it 'til you're satisfied

Monday, September 3, 2018

Wine is a labor of love!

Wine is the only Work of art you can drink Antoinette.

The problem with Labor Day is there are no specific rituals or traditions besides possibly bbq and shopping by laborers and those related to laborers from laborers laboriously laboring on labor day. Of course we know it signals the end of summer symbolically speaking that is... the pool goes, the heat stays. Students are back in school. The whining has begun when your football team loses😭, and the crowing begins for those who win!😁🥂... just remember, win or lose, you booze... or should I say WINE!🍾 In fact I think it's time to establish some traditions while celebrating the working man. Afterall, St Pat's gives us beer, Cinco gives us tequila, Christmas gives us nog, etc... so I think it's only fitting that Labor Day gives us wine to honor the working man. To paraphrase humorist Jack Handey who said there's no time to worry about your liver when the hopes and dreams of the working man toiling in the vineyards depends on your consumption. Time to #MAWA...Make America Winos your part by uncorking the official alcohol of Labor Day to celebrate the American worker no matter what their employment! We can start with the American Patriot who got the G.O.A.T. country started officially with the signing of the Treaty of you know where...Paris... where they do 2 out of 3 "W's" well...Wine and whoopie.... but so so on the 3rd! Give up? 😉...never surrender! Next let's cheer Uncle Sam, created this week in 1813 in the midst of the War of 1812 as an embodiment of what Americans do for each other... the government of the peeps, by the peeps, and for the peeps. Fill'er up! Next it's time to say cheers to yet another Virginian to become President...some say the state of presidents has 8 sons to hold the office, but the real answer is 9! This week we remember the guy who remembered the Alamo...Sam Houston...the George Washington of Texas! Yeeha! How about those who work without working... time to remember perhaps the first millennial and portent of why you should drink wine... the professional student HD Thoreau, who made the Transcendental😉 decision to leave his mom's backyard after 2 years of "roughing it" to move into Ralph Waldo Emerson's basement... apparently it had wifi...but who unfortunately died at the young age of 44 as an abstainer... I'm no doctor but...🤔🍷. Then of course we get to an American native son, Geronimo. The last great Apache chief gave up the fight this week in 1886, and went on to become one of the first Indian celebrities... and call name for crazy stunts like jumping from an airplane...Geronimo!🏂 Cheers. And let's bring it home by recognizing a great American athlete who showed what talent, hard work, civility, dedication, respect, and perseverance can do and what American exceptionalism is all about as we toast Cal Ripken's consecutive game streak...cheers!⚾️🍷And cheers to the rest of my fellow Americans and Canadian neighbours like Bachman and Turner celebrating a day off today...this is one day you don't have to 

...get up every morning from your alarm clock's warning
Take the 8:15 into the city
There's a whistle up above and people pushin', people shovin'
And the girls who try to look pretty
And if your train's on time, you can get to work by nine
And start your slaving job to get your pay
If you ever get annoyed, look at me I'm self-employed
I love to work at nothing all day

And I'll be taking care of business (every day)
Taking care of business (every way)
I've been taking care of business (it's all mine)
Taking care of business and working overtime, work out

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