Of course size matters... who wants a small glass of wine Antoinette?
Happy Constitution Day America! It's a good day to remember that the document was created to restrain the government, and to free the citizenry. So drink plenty of coffee and let yourself go.😉🙈#MAGA Also one of the reasons why when judging the Constitution, it's important to have a judge that doesn't think It's unconstitutional🤔.(JK😉) Taking that load off would be a relief.(SMH) It's also a good time to remember the seasons are changing and nothing braces the constitution of you "regular" types more than the embrace of something you love. So as we transition into fall, back to school, football season🏈, the lack of white clothing options, etc it's a good time to remember other important considerations that can be vital in ensuring that the upcoming cool nights will be cozy, warm and inviting. Afterall, you will want to make that special someone feel special with that special something if you know what I mean?😉 And if this is something you are inexperienced at, or perhaps it's your first time doing it, then it's doubly important to remember that when you finally decide to invite someone over to take the plunge🎆🎉, you'll want to make the experience as pleasurable as you can. No rush jobs, amateurish fumblings, and half measures. Once the seal is broken you can't put that toothpaste back in the tube so to speak🙊, so you have to be prepared...and you'll want to do everything you can to make the moment special! No regrets! Just make sure that special someone you're opening up with is worthy of sharing something so special. Also remember, that though the world may seem casual and unsophisticated...too busy to take time and enjoy life's finer things, and more interested in selfies than insuring that others around are enjoying the experience... you need to remember its not just about your own enjoyment.☝️ Set the mood... the lights, music, and munchies if that's your thing.🍨 Now you're ready to take care of your guest, or guests for you ambitious types🙉...and fulfill their wants. Finally, even though there are many shapes and sizes out there it's important to remember that size does matter...and not just size... shape is also important! Your mouth will tell you what's right!😃😜 It might not be a deal breaker depending on your "thirst" but if something doesn't smell right you might not like how the evening ends😝...yeah I know #metoo.That's why it's paramount for mutual satisfaction that before you "pop the cork" you've selected the appropriate wine glass to match the varietal🍷🤣. It's kind of like if I had been talking about people, it would be important to match compatible types to get the most out of an experience...it's all about the proper fit😉. So now that it's Fall and a great time to uncork those special bottles of Cab, Pinot, Sparkling et al...just make sure you have the right glass to maximize the taste...I promise it will enhance your drinking experience...and who knows...you may even get lucky, and someone will send you a bouquet⚘ because your bouquet was on point👍! And next time you open a bottle, be like JT and say a toast cuz I'm sure you're like me and thinking of the Carolinas...
In my mind I'm gone to Carolina
Can't you see the sunshine?
Can't you just feel the moonshine?
Ain't it just like a friend of mine
To hit me from behind?
Yes, I'm gone to Carolina in my mind
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