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Monday, January 21, 2019

I have a Dream...

If you do the Bird Box challenge take small sips Antoinette.

Well boys and girls, being that it's MLK Day, it's a good day for dreaming...and I dream big! I have a dream that we go back to higher entertainment, journalism, government, education and certainly booze🍸 after college is too short for MD2020!😁 I have a dream that we cut the head off the monster👹 of entitlement we've created in our children by not holding them accountable and trying to be their friend instead of parent. I have a dream that the media will report the news with fairness and accuracy without the bias of bigoted and infantile journalists and other prevaricators of Party🐎🐘 over country🇺🇸. I have a dream that Americans will replace their false victimhood, thin skin, and fear of statues🗿, words, jokes, names and other imagined threats with resolve, courage, fortitude, strength and the intelligence passed down to us from our collective Heritage🏛⛪🗽. I have a dream that education will once again take on the burden of education and abandon the politicking, proselytizing, propaganda and grade padding by insincere public educators and out of touch ivory tower elites unwittingly preparing their own destruction by passing an uneducated generation on to the future...with honors! Covfefe! Now of course this sounds more like a nightmare than a dream, but my glass is half full of wine 🍷which means 2 things...1) I obviously drink wine so I know things, and 2) I have room for more wine. Fill me up...thank you!🥂 Now while we can't prescribe wine to the youth so that they will learn more fully, we can use the knowledge we as wine consuming adults have acquired to hold the youth accountable for their efforts and bestow praise when worthy, encouragement when down and sternness when necessary; award trophies only for championships and above average performance; and assign grades that are merited not diluted. If everybody is an A student all the sudden how do you decide who will be operating on you👨‍⚕️? Building the bridge👨‍🔧? Flying the plane👨‍✈️? Imagine if just anybody could pass the telling what kind of cocktail you'd be drinking.🙈 Well "I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream." I dream that the wokes will awaken. That the moral preeners, SJWs, virtue signalers and PC Gestapo will realize the error of their ways and repent before leading the sheep🐑 on the Road to Perdition. I know my fellow Americans, that as long as you're a Party🐎🦄 to the Chicken Little 🐔half of America for whom the sky is falling upon...someone else is to blame, and apparently you believe the solution is one step closer to 1984, Big Brother, Group Speak, infinite genders, Venezuela🇻🇪 and an IQ equal to your age. Fat, drunk and stupid might have been good enough to get Blutarsky out of the Animal House and to the US Senate; give CardiB her 15 minutes,  and who knows, if a certain Freshman Rep. just adds a little weight and switches from fireballs to whiskey because she has the rest, her future might follow the same path #aoc.😉 I wonder if her sorority ever ran a train🚂?🙈🙉🙊 However,  the rest us should probably figure out a better path for our own lives specifically and America in general. How did we get here, and how do we get back to MAGA? Of course the answer is it used to be before speech was limited, words harmed, and countervailing views created the need for safe spaces. Back when you went to college to expand your mind not close it, when you earned a degree, not bought it and when college was an achievement warranted not an arbitrary quota fulfilled. Even Twitter recognized the need to expand our minds from 140 character mini thoughts to the magnum opus of 280 character tomes!🤔 We all know if you're young and lazy, or older and lazy for that matter, it's too much effort to read books and develop your own weltanschauung🌎. Instead today we find that if it's information that requires us to turn a page📖 it will go unread by the vast majority. So instead we've created a dependent world that just Goebbels it🙊...I mean Google's it...that way we now know where to find what to think and get a regurgitatable amount of information from wiki, etc to pass off as an original thought. Any effort to actually verify and cross check from sources other than what Messrs. Page and Brin and their little techies think you should know will take you in a circular spin in the deep dark web👹...and you thought only China dictated your access🇨🇳! Now what we do know is that the little millennials who operate the Google machine and get information out there "on the line" are certainly tech savvy, but unfortunately have the common sense of Barney Fife...and the big picture understanding equivalent to  CGI... you know Fake Views🎥. Now of course it's not their fault, nothing is...and they have the trophies to prove it🏆! In fact it's not anybody's fault except those that disagree with Big Brother, sister, cisgender, 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️e.t.c get the picture... yeah #metoo. They're hell bent on marching us lock step over the cliffs of the Brave New World...because they don't get it...they are trapped between the world of A.I. and the world of A.I. Huh?🤔 The Artificial Intelligence of the easy to access technologies of today that gives you "answers" without thinking 💻and the life long option to not work(just need to figure out who will pay your allowance💵), and worse...the Artificial Intelligence of inflated grades 📈because teachers don't want the hassle of crying kids, nagging parents, ego damaging evaluations, and finding willing dupes for the overpriced "education"... while public schools can more easily play games with achievement numbers. "But we're for education, we just need more money!" Education undoubtedly benefits from a degree, but you know what's better? Reading, reading and reading! Last I checked, public libraries are free. Open a book and when you're old enough uncork a bottle🍾 will open your eyes😯. Choose salvation over perdition. And while the NFL refs may have taken the Bird Box challenge (Epic fail)  the rest of us should try hard to not go through life with blinders. Just ask the Boss, Blind Man's Bluff is a little bit insane so I recommend education and dreaming big. Don't cost you nothing... just ask T. Petty or even that other Blondie...

Felt so good like anything was possible
I hit cruise control and rubbed my eyes
The last three days the rain was unstoppable
And it was always cold, no sunshine

Yeah, runnin' down a dream
Never would come to me
Workin' on a mystery
Goin' wherever it leads
I'm runnin' down a dream


I sit by and watch the river flow
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Imagine something of your very own, something you can have and hold
I'd build a road in gold just to have some dreamin'
Dreamin' is free
Dreamin', dreamin' is free

Dreamin', dreamin' is free
Dreamin', dreamin' is free

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