It's Valentine's Day this week so remember these words of love...candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker Antoinette.
Step right up, step right up ladies and gentlemen et al, you're about to behold a sight so strange, so horrifying, so utterly monstrous, that I urge you who are easily frightened or upset, who suffer from nervous disorders, weak hearts, or queasy stomachs, who experience nightmares, snowflakes and any children under the age of 30, to forgo witnessing this exhibit. There are only two kinds of freaks ladies and gentlemen. Those created by God, and those made by man. The creature in this swamp is...well, look if you must and decide.
That's right, but instead of being relegated to the sideshow, the freaks from that miasma of DC are now under the Big Top and what a 3 Ring Circus we have for you this week. First we have the "Squaw from Rutgers Law" running to be the next Big Chief. You'd have to be a racist, bigoted, misogynistic nazi not to support the wampum she's peddling🙉. Hmm, well I hear they have mysogynistic racists in Virginia. That's right, over here in this Ring we have the leadership of the Commonwealth of Virginia🙈. But while rampant racism and rapism are intolerable for some, we should just take a 'wait and see' attitude and allow for the 24hr news cycle to run out before applying it to the ones that get "our" votes, yeah #metoo. Besides blackface, kkk robes, and coonmen need to be looked at in context (like infanticide), and innocent until proven guilty even in assault charges right? #believewomen. And now turn your focus to the Center Ring where we combine racism with global warming thereby offending all and giving CNN, WaPo, NYTs and the MSM something to talk about ad nauseam, or not...depending if it's politically expedient.🙊
Who knew "Baby it's cold out" was such a trigger? Despite it's obvious and condemnable misogynistic tone🤥, (completely unlike every rapper/rap song in last night's Grammys) the real problem is it's apparent implications as the theme song for denying global warming🏜. If only people understood? 🤔huh? But hey if it weren't for double standards, Jack/Jennyasses🐎 wouldn't have any standards. In fact, the only way to keep warm (besides global warming from the braying Jack/Jennyasses🐎) in the fast approaching dystopian world of the Eloi and Morlocks is by drinking, and drinking a lot🍺🍹🍸🍷🍾. Not only is this the only way to deafen yourself to the cacophony of imbecilic policy proposals🙉, and collective predictions by the Nostradumbasses of the world🙈 know the ones who predicted the impending apocalypse (is that 10 years A.G. or is it 12 #AOC? )... but that's all we'll have left after the #AOC and her Bff's undo a couple millennia of Western Civilization🙉. I guess they smelled napalm this morning.🤔😉🔥But maybe we should look closely at this policy proposal before lol'ing it to where it belongs🎪. So let's begin...should the earth fear us? 🌎 Well as noted scientist and almost as funny a comedian as #AOC, George Carlin, reminds us from the hereafter that the Green New Deal 🤝is another example of human hubris to think that we are anymore than "fleas"🐜 on the surface of mother earth. "Save the planet from what?" he queried. Check out our insignificance here: We can't even save our country from a congressional takeover by middle are we going to save the planet? Now don't get me wrong I, like EVERYBODY else, wants as clean an environment to live in as possible. But I also like aoc without the o! Heat in these globally warming freezing winters. And I'd prefer not to walk 40 miles to work. Lost in all this mess is that the greatest reason for the economic development in world history is the use of fossil fuels🦖. It's the reason behind the wealth, the comfort, and lifting out of poverty of the majority of the world💵🥣🏚🏡. It's how A.G. controls the climate in his 10,000 sq ft house and also his beach house. It's how the #AOC got to the store to buy her version of the #sistersofthetravelingwhitepantsuit😂. When combined with democracy🏛, individual freedom🗽 and capitalism🏦 it allows for comfort, opportunity, and a quality of life better than anywhere, anytime, and from any other idea in history. And then when you throw in a nice bottle of Barolo🍷 you can even withstand the ridiculous, insane, puerile rants of the nattering nabobs of negativism😭😱🤡. I am certainly in favor of exploring alternatives, developing greater efficiency etc, but not at the cost of bankruptcy and darkness. Incentive, ingenuity and opportunity drive the world and lead to positive results, not forced conformity, fascist dictates, and party/government controlled propaganda by the MSM where "light goes to die". "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Unfortunately, we are sorely lacking the common sense and wit of people like Will Rogers, and are left with the dimwits elected by the suborn the witless to a kind of voluntary slavery which they entered unwittingly. Baaaa!🐏 Case in point, apparently, that "Bird" 🐣from the block in the Bronx has taken the box challenge literally...take off the blinders babe, do the math, carry the one, and realize your math is wrong, your economics are nonsensical, and your obtuseness is acute. Of course what I'm talking about is in the "you can't make this up" category. The #AOC was part of a group project entitled, "The Green New Deal," where, complete with pretty crayon drawn pictures of trees🌳 and blue skies 🏖and little drips from her juice box🍼, she and her busstop friends came up with a plan to fix everything at the cost of only 1 Gazillion dollars💰...squared! The fairytale of the Princess who represents Queens and the Bronx Zoo starts off classically, "Once upon a time in the very near future when I'm the princess👸 of the whole world and have more followers than a Kardashian🤳, I am going to rebuild every building🏭 so you won't even know it's there, get rid of all combustion engines🛵, phase out air travel 🛫and replace with high speed railways🚅and merry-go-rounds 🎠to everywhere (even across oceans), give money 💸to everyone including those who don't want to work and most importantly get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren't sure that we'll be able to fully get rid of farting cows🐮🐂 and airplanes that fast." What's that you say? Stampede! I guess it's time to "eat mor chiken."🐓 As to which cows get eliminated you just need to refer to George Carlin again who has already broken down the 7 breeds of flatulent bovines, the ones that do the fizz, the fazz, the fizz fazz, the rip s**t, the tear ass, the snorter and the one that goes whooosh! 🤭 "And don't worry about money, if we don't have the money it doesn't matter, we will just confiscate all current wealth through taxes and then we'll just print more money because we are already in debt so what's the big diff? " Besides, “At the end of the day, this is an investment in our economy that should grow our wealth as a nation, so the question isn’t how we will pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity.” 🤔 "Well it's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how it plays out for them." Stay tuned to the Ocho for updates. Out of the mouths of babes👙🍼, #AOC. Too bad she talks like Bhad Bhabie. Oooh, clapback! Just cash me outside! If SNL actually just let her host and talk her usual tripe they might once again actually be funny... absurd but funny. Aside: Do you think when Congress is out on recess the #AOC looks for the swing set?🤔 Well I'm pretty sure the government is already good enough at wasting people's I see no reason to make it biblical in proportion and Charlton Heston isn't around anymore to save the day. Stay tuned and in the meantime how about this diddy from another Latina from the block, Christina who knows how to entertain you under the big top🎪... time to Enter the Circus
Do you want to be widely entertained
People to know your name?
Do you crave fame?
Well, they say things aren't always what they seem to be
Even your greatest fantasies
You won't believe your eyes
Won't even recognize
The wonderment that lies
Behind the shimmer and the lights
Is it true what they say?
Is it all just fun and games?
Or is there more behind the makeup
And the faces full of paint?
I ask you, do you want to come and play?
Ha ha ha ha
Get the world to come and play
Ha ha ha ha
So sit back, relax, fasten your seat belts
It's going to be a bumpy ride to the other side
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