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Monday, August 5, 2019

Hypocrisy and Racism

An egghead once said that a hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation Antoinette. 

Well boys and girls today is a Monday where what I write might not be so cleverly funny.😰 I know sometimes I'm the kind of funny where you're gonna laugh, I don't care who you are. 😂And sometimes you think I tell a good story. "What? You mean the way I talk? What? Let me get this straight... I'm funny how? I mean funny like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh. I'm here to F'ing amuse you?... How am I funny?  😳Well funny or not there's always a good reason to have adult beverages 🍸around and today's national mood certainly requires plenty of those. This week's tragic shootings in Texas and Ohio😥 by two nutjobs shows where the vitriol bandied about by the press, politicians, social justice cyber warriors and anyone with an internet machine has led us🗣. The combination of deliberately stroking the fires of hate, giving credence to movements like antifa, BLM, and all other hate mongering groups has not only ginned up violence but counter hate groups as well. We have created a culture of hate with proclamations of absolutes that have no legitimacy and no useful purpose. This didn't begin with TDS only exacerbated by it and the result is the dialectic idea of opposites. The contrary counterforce just leads to a nation of extremes, when democracy is supposed to be about the middle ground. There's plenty of blame to go around. The presidential behavior of the latest 2 presidents doesn't help. A culture built on cartoon violence inures people to death and mayhem. Social media and internet access to any crazy ideas or images is readily available to all leaving the most vulnerable and those least able to govern themselves potential WMDs. And while there is plenty of blame to go around, I blame the media and the hypocrisy of naked political ambition and phony grandstanding most of all. As far as I know, nobody I know who voted for Trump is a racist. They voted for the guy who they thought best represented their view on how the Constitution should govern, how the economy should work and how the nation should be run. If Obama espoused all of the conservative principles of government and Trump the liberal ones while being the same people and demeanor would you vote for the opposite view point? People by and large want the same thing. A job, safety for their family and country, opportunity to advance and succeed, the four freedoms, the 21st amendment, inexpensive booze🍺, a big screen TV🖥, etc. It's ok to disagree how to get there. The founding fathers did and they all risked their lives to get it done and show the world a better way.

 It's even ok to argue over viewpoints, but the inane name calling has to stop. The hypocrisy of pretending to care when you don't... it's just a political public relations tool🤥. This is a good time to refill your glass...make it a double to wash down the hypocrisy🍸🍺. Ok, I'm back. Where was I? Oh yeah, I don't know of any nazi's anymore, at least none who aren't in antifa or the propaganda arm of the press, or Hollywood Virtue signalers who profess their wokeness at every opportunity. That should be verboten! They pretend to care about women's rights and #metoo and climate change but never when it limits their opportunities or is counter to their political aims. For instance Google just held a private party of A listers in Sicily at "Davos by the sea" to discuss, glad hand, and raise "awareness" about climate change. Of course Obama, Prince Harry, Katy Perry etc flew in via 114 private jets, numerous private yachts and stayed at a resort with flown in beach sand while leaving a bigger carbon footprint than a decent size town. At least Harry had the decency to say he would limit his carbon footprint by only having two kids, of course you have to also consider the gaseous bloviating's toll on the environment. "Do as I say not as I do." And whatever happened to the Virginia governor, Lt Governor, and attorney general over their racist and rapist antics? ... oh yeah nothing. Was it the member of the press who beat up the black clad, masked, antifa thugs or the other way around? And then of course there's racism. Now is the time to refill 🍷and hide your keys cuz nobody is driving 🏎🚔now. Systemic racism is when a system of government is perpetuated that beholdens a population to their caregivers. One that requires them to depend on handouts🤲. That buys their loyalty with promises of free stuff that in turn leaves them in a cycle of poverty, crime, drugs, low education and family breakdown that has now lasted decades. Calling somebody stupid because they're stupid and ignorant #fraudsquad isn't racist, it's obvious. Protecting the border isn't racist, it's obvious. Pointing out the problems of Baltimore, Detroit, San Francisco etc. isn't racist, it's obvious. Pretending those problems don't exist because of policies in play is racist. Arguing about the 2nd Amendment after tragedies is hypocritical when nobody is discussing the everyday plight in the inner cities where murders happen more frequently and at a higher rate. Racism is taking their vote, promising the moon then leaving them until the next election. Racism is appealing to victimhood instead of basing everything on merit. Equality is about opportunity not outcome. Affirmative action is racist. Merit isn't. Quotas are racist, merit isn't. Not being held accountable is racist, sexist, ageist, whatever... merit isn't. Phony grandstanding and politicking issues like Ferguson and Kavanaugh, and downplaying the assualt on police officers is racist, sexist and shortsighted. Hoax racism and hoax sexual accusations for political gain, false victimhood etc. only hurt and undermine all the real and tragic examples that really do occur. And it's this hypocrisy in our world, insanely accusatory language and labeling, anything is fair as long as it advances my political agenda worldview that creates entrenched sides, agitates the unbalanced and tragically leads to crazy zealots who take out their anger on the innocent. The weekend saw craziness motivated from one side in El Paso and crazy motivated from the other side in Dayton.😥 That's where the accusatory language has brought us. Time to consider America as a team🇺🇸. Nobody cares what your name is, sex is, race is, nationality is, religion is as long as you work hard, play nice with others and remember to tip your bartender and servers well💰. Get elected on merit, not phony grandstanding. Remember, evil people have hidden out in the church to either hide or stop doing evil things. It's not the religion that's bad, it just became the cloak to mask their activities. Hypocrites and racists also hide under the cloak of politics and virtue signaling. Matthew said, "beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves." Beware of the career politician on government salary who is now a multimillionaire. Your political party isn't the most important thing, America is! And what America has proven is that success depends on the individual, freedom of opportunity, hard work, the entrepreneurial spirit, honest assessments and merit. Be neighborly even when you disagree. Start by sharing your favorite adult beverage with those old enough around you🥂, then model the work ethic that made America great and the "City upon a hill" to the youngins. We're America...we got this. Believe it. And if you're in doubt just listen to the Boss, and you'll have a Reason to Believe...

Take a baby to the river, Kyle William they called him
Wash the baby in the water, take away little Kyle's sin
In a whitewash shotgun shack an old man passes away
Take his body to the graveyard and over him they pray
Lord won't you tell us, tell us what does it mean
At the end of every hard earned day people find some reason to believe

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