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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Quid Pro Quo

Times are confusing, but as T. Monk explains, "you've got to dig it to dig it you dig" Antoinette?

Well boys and girls it's the first week of November, the World Series⚾️🏆 is over and among other things it's an election week and that's always reason to drink...🍻cheers.

Now of course (and not to be confused with  every other year) this is what they call an off election. Now that may sound bad, but it's actually good in that we only get bombarded with inane, puerile and retarded politician's rants 🤬for about a week before the election instead of the plural form🗣. You know stuff like I'm running for county dog catcher🐕 and if I had a vote I would vote to impeach😡. Or I'm running for state delegate and my opponent supports the second amendment. He's in favor of murdering your children🤥. Or my favorite... I'm (fill in the blank) and I'm pro education and against nuclear war! 🤡Hmm as opposed to EVERYBODY ELSE IN AMERICA? Talk about D.S.'s!💩 Speaking of which, I wonder if they would vote present in condemning Armenian genocide, or demand the death penalty for soldiers delivering food in Somalia?🤔 #IlhanOmar. Ok... off track... where was I... oh yeah...🍸. Now as we know Quid Pro Quo is Latin for a segue! 😉 Actually, as we all know it's you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours🙈🙉🙊, or more formally put... if you want a piece of dis, give me a piece of dat!" 😉 You know like here's 5 bucks, give me a beer!🍺 Or in parlance that the woked up, virtue signaling cancel culture can understand... you better do this or I'll cry😭, stomp my feet😤, post horrible replies on your social media🤬, block traffic🤚, throw my own urine and feces at you💩, shout you down at dinner with your family and friends, take you to court🏛, boycott everything I don't agree with and generally have a shrill, temper tantrum and meltdown if you're lucky, and if not go postal if I/we don't get our way. Excuse me... runons make my mouth dry, 🍷. Of course the great irony is that democracy depends on compromise to succeed🤝. I give a little, you give a little. You know quid pro quo. But in the current heated political arena it has come to who's offering the quid, and how much quo am I getting💰. Otherwise, your quid pro quo could be a high crime even when it's not even a misdemeanor... if you have Schiff for brains that is 💩🧠. Now we all know this is how people and governments have been acting since Adam and Eve, the Medicis, UN, Marshall Plan, apartheid boycott, Steele Dossier, and the $150,000 seat on the Burisma Board for an American who's only knowledge of energy is what you get from a white line... you know like Mr. Chow says, "quid pro quo douchebag." Or when the NBA🏀 protests North Carolina for not letting men🚹 in women's bathrooms🚺 and reacts shrilly when Lebron Bron⛹🏿‍♂️🧚🏿‍♂️was told to shut up and dribble. As opposed to the very "different situation" 🤔 when the NBA forcefully mutes itself on freedom issues in Hong Kong for China's billions💱, and Lebron says hey we're just basketball players we should shut up and dribble⛹🏿‍♂️. These are all quid pro quos... some are retarded, but none are impeachable. Well actually the Steele Dossier probably was but that's probably been laundered now more than Monica's blue dress👗. Even Obama has taken the woke class and cancel culture to task... basically saying grow the f up and quit crying all the time... because the quo you're gonna get for that quid is a life you can't handle, and four more years of Orange!🤔 Of course the best and most important reason to be drinking this week is to bask in the glory of the National's World Series win🏆. Like Kurt Suzuki said... it's things like that keep MAGA'ing! Be like the winners, not the Rejects, unless they're All-American and straighten up or they'll just Give You Hell...

Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself

Where'd it all go wrong?

But the list goes on and on...

When you see my face
Hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
Hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
When you hear this song and you sing along but you never tell
Then you're the fool, I'm just as well
Hope it gives you hell

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