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Thursday, January 2, 2020

2020 Hindsight and Foresight

Happy New Year and here's to hoping the only pain you have in 2020 is champagne Antoinette🥂. 

Well boys and girls it's the dawn of a new year, new decade and new possibilities! And for those of you who decided to bring in the New Year with a copious amount of adult beverages🍾 it's probably also the dawn of the year's first headache and grubhub delivery of a KFC bucket of goodness🍗. Now, because it's 2020 it's a good time to look backwards with perfect hindsight and, raise your hand if you agree with me, but the sight of a perfect hind always deserves to be seen with 2020 vision🍑! 😜 Yeah #metoo! And looking back at my 2019 I'm reminded of what George Best said, "I spent a lot of money on booze🍸, birds💃 and fast cars🏎... the rest I just squandered."😜 Anyway, my experiences aside, the 2020 metaphor is a good one to talk about vision, but it's also good to remember that while vision can be perfect, perspective is personal and unique and often clouds what should be clear🤓. So what seems obvious to some, is delusional and ridiculous to others. For instance, looking backward for the normal and sane we can see that America clearly did very well. Record stock market, record employment, record wages, record energy production and record take home pay because of tax cuts for the average American. The immediate danger to our troops has lessened, more beers than ever are produced in the USA, we've apparently staved off climate catastrophe for at least the immediate future because why else would wannabe #43 and didnthavetobe #44 buy beach houses, and the Nationals won the World Series! Not bad. However,  the lunatic rants of the shrill and shrieking delusionals would have you think that the sky was falling in 2019. 

Their impeachment hoax was merited because orange man bad, even though it's been proven a hoax. In fact, their long sought efforts to impeach now looks more like a planted fake Yelp review bad mouthing a competitor from someone suffering from TDS. (Btw, did you realize that 2 of the 3 impeachments in history are because of men humiliating #HRC?🙈🙉🙊) Anyway,  the blurry visioned warn that the booming economy will end (eventually they'll probably be right and America will be blue)🤔... in fact they actually root for it to end because to the delusional their Party's success is more important than America's and besides...Orange man bad!👌 Crazily, the vision challenged are so misguided they are suggesting marxist remedies for problems that don't exist which just means they need to browbeat the American Public with the propaganda arm of the party...the MSM, or currently...Chicken Little. In addition to creating as many victims as possible, they are trying to convince America that somehow we'd be better off with communism rather than the free market, that free speech should be cudgeled when it suits Big Brother, more government is better, statues hurt people,  and the swamp creatures are better at running people's lives than the individual. They also believed that to get away with their fascist tendencies you just call everyone else a fascist which is classic doublespeak. #antifa. This ridiculousness comes even when they have the benefit of 2020 hindsight and can see Venezuela, Bolivia, China, Cuba, the old Soviet Union, Lil Kim and North Korea, etc. Their idea of looking backward is Edward Bellamy's "Looking Backward." The utopian socialist who by projecting forward, then looking backward could show America how to proceed. Of course these are the fanciful fantasies of children. We know the reality of these utopias from the real world experience of the aforementioned whose utter failure you could see even if your vision was 20/2000. If you want a more  accurate literary description of where that path leads just read 1984 and might as well throw in Animal Farm! By the way, those are views of a real socialist not a wouldn't it be nice if socialist. Now all of this isn't to say there aren't problems we need to address and fix with a clear vision looking forward👀 of who we are, why we are the greatest country🗽, and how we became such. Looking forward, I think it's time we addressed a few realities. First off we need to rid ourselves of the alphabet crowds, the hyphenated crowds, and the hashtag crowds. Any basement dwelling SJWs who resists will be punished by having to go into a bar in Texas and say their rant out loud and at risk of a punch in the nose🤼‍♂️. Secondly, and I'll say this slowly, statues don't hurt anyone, school names don't threaten, and every commercial doesn't have to be the United colors of Benetton! The only colors that matter are the Red, White and Blue🇺🇸. Stop dividing, stop creating weakness and victimhood. If you're gonna fight, fight about important things. The big game🏈, the girl at the end of the bar💃, taste great or less filling🍺, and whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie📽. Trying to be all things to all people just means you're nothing to nobody. Also, I hereby cancel cancel culture. Save boycotts for Apartheid. If you want to make PC shaming a good thing then use it to exert societal pressure on the benefits of education, intelligence, good grades, no drugs, family values, religious institutions and general kindness. It's not forcing fake science and permissiveness down the throats of those who disagree or replacing your moral compass with Big Brother. Make 2020 the year of the individual without threat of fake conformity. We're America...we got this! Team USA. Now fill up you glass and toast🥂. Time to get this 2020 party started with Jake Owen...YeeHaw!

You take your all right, you take your can't wait

A lot of of bring-it-on, an' some damn straight

An' mix it all up with some down home southern drawl, y'all

You got your yee haw

I'm talkin big time, I mean saddle up an' hold on tight

An' if you know what I'm talkin' about, y'all, yeah

How about a yee haw, ha, ha

Yep, bow wow, y-e-e-h-a-w, yee haw

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