Well boys and girls, 2021 is starting out pretty much the same as the recent past. The Chinese "there's a flu in my soup" Wuhan Wham Bam has decided to take more than the allotted 14 days to flatten and will be with us forever says the CDC (undoubtedly listening to what I said last April)! I guess it's only fitting since last year was the Chinese Year of the (flying) Rat 🦇we follow it up with the Year of the Ox🐂 who stubbornly doesn't want to change (get it? 🤣). Well the Covid now 21 may be stubborn, but I say thanks but no thanks. You Chicoms🇨🇳 can keep your stinking virus. I mean, afterall China you got what you wanted... just ask Hunter! 🤔😉 Also, the Super Bowl weekend is over and just like last week's Groundhog Day, it was deja vu all over again...T Brady won another Super Bowl, ho hum and some might even say Ugg!😉 And like previous years the weekend ended a day too early. It's the SUPER BOWL people! It's like a national church💒 service that everyone attends without Grandma 👵dragging you by your ear👂. On top of that, it's at night and most everyone is indulging heavily in the communion wine 🍷🤕and deserves a day to count their winnings💰 or lament their losses😱. If that doesn't warrant a national holiday, nothing does. Somebody just slide another Executive Order under Biden's nose and tada...a 3 day Super Bowl Weekend. He doesn't even know what he's signing anyway, and one more will only insure his record of executive orders forever. At least this one will be worthwhile. I mean maybe you disagree on the fate of the Keystone Pipeline, afterall, who wants cheap energy cleanly delivered and jobs for many when we can be energy dependent on the stable countries from the Middle East🙈? Besides if you get rid of pipelines it will just mean shipping all that gas from Canada by train and truck which makes interstate driving more fun and adds the equivalent of 650,000 cars which will help COOL the planet🙉! Huh? That's right Al G and the AOC ... according to NASA the planet warmed a proclaimed catastrophic .5° this past year because... get this... there weren't enough pollutants in the air to block the suns heat🙊!🤔 Seems that because the Wuhan Wham Bam caused the meek to stay home and park their prius permanently, coupled with the fact that the perpetual mask wearers😷 were voluntarily swallowing their own CO² there weren't enough contaniments and Hot Air released into the atmosphere to keep the planet cooled. Yes, you heard that right... if we don't start polluting soon the angry sun🔥 is going to melt the ice caps. Hmm, well like I always say... more sun, more tillable land, more vineyards🍇=more wine! Cheers!🥂Apparently, it's also no fun being the only industrial country to exceed the goals of the Paris Climate Accords even though we don't belong to it... until now that is EO#118+/‐. (Oh Mon Dieu what was that orange guy thinking? ) But I digress...Hey you, psst Weekend at Bernies...or whoever you are behind the curtain pulling the strings... if you want to pretend a little more realistically like you care about the unity of the USA 🇺🇸 then this Executive Order approximately #247 would be a good start. It has to be more effective than every commercial looking like the United Colors of Benetton. All Americans would be thankful for consecutive long weekends. Afterall, it's winter. The weather stinks. And what could be more unifying than a long weekend canoodling with that special someone united as one... you know... horizontal mambo-ing! Cheers!😍 And even better because it's VD weekend💘. However, this is not to be confused with another long The Weeknd🎶! Please make that stop! Save the Canadian entertainment for hockey 🏒 or better yet curling and venues where nobody is there to listen and he's not overwhelmed by the stage. Also, please save the creepy weird jock strap on the face 🥷Army of Darkness for some M. Night Shyamalan horror show☠. We're Americans...we want big and loud and rockin', or beautiful, sexy, hip shaking, garment malfunctioning crooning eye candy! Yeah #metoo
Besides the world is looking Orwellian enough. We're creating a totalitarian culture voluntarily, and suicidally I might add. Big government, big tech and a propagandizing media are all complicit in thought control which I guess is ok if you agree with them, but what happens when you don't? Twitter, Facebook, instagram etc canceling posts, accounts etc that their thought police don't like. Cancel culture, doxxing, firing, public shaming, physical attacks, physical attack hoaxes, Universities seeking to punish alums who didn't vote the way they thought appropriate, and college students encouraged to report on other students not doing what their told... hmm what does that remind 🤔 you of Adolph? And this is not to mention the Groundhog Day redux of an Impeachment farce. Hey psst...Pelosi, Schiff for brains, et al... he's not even in office! How come unity looks like a purge of half the country? Unity is a hard message to come around to when it ends with an Or Else🪓... just saying! It seems like you're modeling your behavior after China 🇨🇳. Is there some connection I'm not aware of... anyone? Ferris? Hunter? Well at least with a new administration things should be different right? With the success of Operation Warp Speed multiple vaccines have been developed in less than a year when all the TDS naysayers said it would take 3. Of course the news was delayed until after the election but that's another matter. The important thing is now with the vaccines💉 available, and a new admin with a real plan for dissemination 1 million people a day should be vaccinated easily topping the previous administration who were only able to vaccinate 1 million per day. 🤔 Oh! Well at least there will be a change in ending white privilege and ensuring black lives matter with the replacing of that last old white guy President with someone new and fresh as a pair Kanye's sneakers... You know an older, half gone white guy with an active sniffer👃and over 47 years of political experience in which he accomplished🤔... well I'm sure they're must have been something. Anyway, this time will be different and the first order of business after the purge and the Trumped up Impeachment unifying events will be to rid ourselves of the systemic racism that permeates the red state portion of our country... you know... places like Kansas where all those racist regular white folk do nothing but impact black lives and people of color in far off blue states and cities. It's so bad that they get people of color to kill other people of color in places like Blue Chicago where they set records this year of 750 murders. But this will stop✋ as soon as the new policy goes into effect of ending the systemically racist use of Acronyms by the government. Just ask the San Fran school district who first pointed this out if you don't believe me. Acronyms discriminate against minorities and have been WASPs way of keeping the colored folk living in Chicago, Bmore, Philly, Atlanta, San Fran etc during the last several decades because...IDK... they don't know their PIN, or even where an ATM was to get money to leave their racist environment ASAP? Or they couldn't SCUBA? Their RADAR was kaput? And has anybody considered what are they going to call their Frontline soldiers BLM and ANTIFA if this happens. Maybe it's just me, but I think if we keep heading down this path we're FUBAR. Look I get it... there's a group of wannabe victims out there who make a living of perpetuating the victimhood of the oppressed, repressed, compressed, suppressed, depressed, and full court pressed but I say to you don't be a victim... be an individual responsible for yourself. Free yourself from the shackles of group think, fake news and false prophets. If you don't like how things are where you live, before blaming some schmuck in far off Kansas, maybe consider who's calling the shots down at Daley plaza for instance, or any other place that makes you feel Blue. Systemic racism is telling you to vote for me every four years and things will change and you believing that. Things have changed alright. Everyone has heard of the St Valentines Day Massacre because back in the day when everyone had legal guns in Chicago a bunch of Italian gangsters killed 7 Irish gangsters. The reason we know about this is that it was a big deal. The murders of 7 people at one time in one of America's great cities was a rarity. That's a routine Saturday night now and Crickets from the greatest extortionist racket going...BLM...Al Capone would be so proud. Sounds like the definition of insanity... voting the same way and expecting different results. Also seems like a good month to check out the history. Oh well, must be those crazy Jayhawkers fault. Food for thought. And finally, at least a couple things are different right? Remember all those Super Bowl victories previously where Teetotalling T Brady just said thank you, smiled, and went home to his almond milk and domineering wife. Well it seems in sunny Tampa Bay, Tom decided to get Gronked!🍻 In fact he was drunker than a football bat during the Parade. And not to be outdone by the QB G.O.A.T., the Boss of Rock-n-Roll G.O.A.T. decided to go for a little Motorcycle ride and tequila shot party in his Native State, NJ, where some PoPos 🚔 seemingly wanted to make an example of Bruce because IDK...he wasn't driving a Jeep? Didn't want a lime? Well whatever the case, what's the world coming to when a Blue guy like the Boss, in a Blue state like NJ, can't get a little respect from the Boys in Blue? Obviously those guys weren't Buford T. Justice. In fact, it sounds like nothing but pure and simple old fashioned communism. I hope nobody felt discriminated against by the use of those acronyms. Well anyway, cheers to you both and here's to living the Glory Days!
...In fact I think I'm going down to the well tonight
And I'm gonna drink till I get my fill🍺
And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it
But I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
A little of the glory yeah
Well time slips away and leaves you with nothing, mister, but
Boring stories of
Glory days, well they'll pass you by
Glory days, in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days
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