Photo Art

Monday, October 30, 2017

Change can be scary!

I wonder what they call white privilege in Iceland, Antoinette?

The time of white privilege is over! Yeah i said it. For too long now whites have enjoyed preeminence, and it's just not fair to the others. We need balance! But more than that, we need affirmative action. It's time that those who have been marginalized get their time to shine. Whites, you go to the back of the line, and reds... front and center. It's red privilege time and I'm not not talking about Injuns. While the NFL Redskins may have lost their opportunity to get back at those title stealing Cowboys yesterday (get it? ), those redskin grapes are now in first place. And if you're white and want a piece of the limelight you're going to have to be of that effervescent ilk if you know what I mean. 🍾October is almost over, the clocks will be falling back, and it's time to put the white wines on the shelf next to your white loafers and white pirate shirt. Unless of course you plan on wearing that tomorrow to celebrate All Hallows Eve. Wait, I better check the latest issue of that arbiter of social morality, Cosmo, and see if pirate costumes are appropriate for non real life pirates to wear. Apropos of nothing, but is it really inappropriate for my fictitious daughter to want to dress up as Moana? That seems racist to me...though I am a little confused as to which cartoon race Moana belongs. Whatever happened to imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? I believe it's appropriate to dress up like anybody/thing you want to appropriate as long as it gets you your trick or treat. Let's leave costume selection to the parent, wine selection to your taste buds, and the 22 Best Relationship Tips Ever to Cosmo. I'm sorry if the above offended anyone... oh wait... no I'm not... and it's because I wine, I don't whine. If we actually listened to all this horse hooey we'd be left with no costume choices except maybe going as the universal bad guy...the fat white's always safe to make fun or appropriate fat white guys, but you can't go as Santa Claus, he's making a list right now📃... Frosty the Snowman?☃️... only scary snowman is on your golf card...8 😉 you'd be supporting the coal industry... and we certainly need to avoid cheaper energy.👎 Hmm, scary fat white guy... well that leaves Rosie O'Donnell, Michael Moore or eeek, Harvey Weinstein. Talk about misappropriation. Well we don't need your kid getting beat up, appropriately, by Wonder Woman... how about going as your favorite healthy cereal character? Wait, God forbid going as a corn pop if you don't get your shade right (can I say God?) Better to be safe, and go as something nobody could be offended by...a Fruity Pebble. Just curious, but is it cultural misappropriation for Japanese - Iranian to be offended when called Chinese? Hmm.  Let the children choose their favorite costume, leave politics to the NFL and MLB, buy cool candy for the trick or treaters, and have wine for any adults left out there unafraid to walk in the dark next to culturally insensitive 4 year olds. Wine is universally accepting of appropriation... it's meant to be uncorked, poured, shared and enjoyed by all regardless of your costume. "Oh I'm sorry... that's not a costume? My bad... no worries a few more glasses and you'll look like a 3 headed gender neutral witch." 😱 You can all be like Mike... be inappropriate and drink wine dressed in any tricky costume you like, or better yet, without any costume which could be a treat,  😉... not you Frosty... hey Princess, wanna go to a dance?  Where you won't be Misfits as long as you bring  red know... the Monster Mash... where
The scene was rocking, all were digging the sound
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The Coffin Bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, The Crypt Keeper Five
They did the Mash, they did the Monster Mash
The Monster Mash, and it's a graveyard smash

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