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Monday, November 6, 2017

Things to do in the Dark

What happened to all the daylight we have been saving Antoinette?

Well November is here, and with it comes a few good excuses to never leave the house when you finish work. First, here in Virginia and some place off a turnpike exit north of here are the only 2 states to have elections for governor complete with all the inanities of campaign commercials that appear... EVERYWHERE!!!! Wasn't last year enough? Even Words with Friends is politicking. Of course the one important campaign issue they are all avoiding is daylight savings time. Why can't they get this right? Every night at 2:00am "fall back" for an extra hour of sleep, and every afternoon at 4:00pm, "spring forward"... making it 5:00 everywhere, time to stop work and hit the half price wine happy hour. What could be less confusing?🕔🥂 Now our cloudy Monday will end with us coming home in the noir (zat's ze word for dark en francais, you silly Américain)... at 5:00!!! Who wants to do anything then except plop down on the couch and order delivery. Well if that's our fate, we might as well make the most of it. Once the delivery person of no particular sexual gender leaves, time to cuddle up on the couch with that WILLING someone and practice your Frenching (no, not cinq a sept...well maybe!😉... what a cool name for happy hour, ooh la la)... you know...join TCM for their "Noirvember" and watch a spate of film noir. (Another term coined by the French because they are so much better at coining... film dark doesn't cut it). I know, I know...many of you are unhappy with the cesspool that is current Hollywood, but watching film noir movies from the 40's doesn't profit anyone currently, are great movies absent of CGI and still leave a little to the imagination while being sultry, menacing, realistic and taut with suspense. Plus they have stars like Bogey and Bacall, Mitchum and Russell, and Ladd and Lake. And most importantly, what better wine to drink with a film noir than a Pinot Noir. (Thanks again Pierre, nobody wants to drink pine dark except maybe Ewell Gibbons).  Make sure your wine cellar is stocked and tune in a classic like The Maltese Falcon, Out of the Past, Double Indemnity, or The Third Man and uncork your favorite Pinot Noir from Anderson or Willamette Valley. After a bottle or two you'll be ready for The Big Sleep... don't worry, the plotline is confusing anyway, good night...🕵️‍♀️In restless dreams I walked alone. Narrow streets of cobblestone. 'Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp. When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light...That split the night
And touched the sound of silence

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