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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Since beer is now cheaper than gas Antoinette, I recommend you drink and don't drive. 

Well Antoinette it's been a minute, but I hope you're doing well in this Twilight Zone episode I like to call, "What it's really like living in The Onion." When parody becomes reality you know it's time to get out of this Hotel California and find a safe space where booster shots🍷🍺🍸 are easy to come by, and there are no Fauxnies hiding behind their masks😷. That's right, Americans, and even the whole world (including Canadians) are now cast members in this real life parody... the theater of the absurd. You know the place, where the meaning of words are as malleable as play-dough. Trusting "the science" means political and social science. And any utterance or doing that's not FDACDCBLMLGBTQREXPIALIDOCIOUS, etc, etc approved gets you banned from all social platforms, ridiculed by state sponsored propaganda machines known as corporate media, and doxxed by shrill Karens who reek of kitty litter. You might want to fill your glass, because you're gonna need something strong...🍸 Maybe Snoop has some leftover Gin and Juice that $2.50 didn't drink at the Super Bowl half time extravaganza. You know where old felonious rappers used the N word more times than Rogan and Biden combined ever did. And hard core creative name speller person not of color rapper,  Marshall Bruce Mathers III, knelt in honor of Tim Tebow to pray and thank the Lord that in an ironic case of affirmative action he was allowed to be the token at an old age rap battle of, "Who dat?"

And speaking of that very profitable gridiron classic por moi💰😁🍻, if you're wondering what precipitated the sudden huge smog cloud that enveloped Los Angeles late Sunday evening, it was just confirmed that it was the collective exhaling by the celebrity attendees, including  famous breath holder, Mayor Do as I say not as I do🤡, at the Super Bowl who were valiantly holding their pollution for the entirety of the game because they were unmasked. Of course, as much as we deplorables admire Mayor Garćon, Jason Bourne, Bron Bron, J Lo and Argo, etc for respecting our safety, the skeptical among us are left scratching our head. "So mandates don't matter? Has the science changed and Dr. FauxChi-com forgot to tell us? What? They never worked and weren't for safety but just a big power play? You mean even immuno compromised Magic was maskless and unafraid?" Hmm...I agree, nothing to see here... excuse me I'm due for another booster...🍺...aah, see children, it doesn't even hurt. Btw, speaking of actors, does anyone know if  the actor who played Wilson in Castaway, is the same one who played the volleyball in Top Gun?🏐 Just wondering. Also, do you realize the Academy Awards Ceremonies will have no vaccine restrictions on their Red Carpet attendees, but you peons have to show your vaccine card in La La land just to get into a movie theater?🙈

Oh well, I'm just getting started... I have several more points I've been pondering considering the fact that more and more when I wake up and check the news I immediately laugh and think YGBFKM! This can't be serious... right? Well like it or not it too often is... so maybe you can help me out with some of these head scratchers like for instance, how do you follow the science from people who think a man is a woman, babies aren't alive until they're born, a mask that can't hold water will keep out microscopic aerosolized particles and covid leaves town on a government specified date? Or how about this recent headline from Inside magazine, "No one talks about how hard the journey to getting pregnant can be for same sex couples." Honey where do you think this goes? I mean let's face it real science has been oppressed, repressed, suppressed,  and full court pressed more times than a #BLM "leader" bought a million dollar house, or a Clinton adversary was suicided🪓. Known scientific facts like natural immunity, 2 sexes, cloth masks don't work and beer🍺 builds better bodies have been shunned in favor of "the science" which of course is irrefutable, undeniable, unquestionable and absolutely written in stone🪦. Any skepticism will lead to banishment from Big Brother media platforms, loss of job, medical care, a lot less friends on Facebook and subject to the shrill rants from Karens and others who actually should be muzzled. Now I know we would all like to trust those in positions above our pay grade, but an even better rule of thumb might be to follow the money 💰. Do you know who paid the largest fine in the history of the universe for lying, falsifying data, manipulating evidence and bribery ? Pfhree guesses and the Pfirst two don't count. Now I'm not suggesting they weren't working for everyone's benefit, but you could see where maybe someone could have questions. I mean it's not like the opioid problem💊 has gone away, or that the CDC doesn't get major funding from Big Pharma, or that China🇨🇳 doesn't need some high paid American bureaucrat to help fund gain of function research. What? I've been deplatformed...I haven't even published this yet... how could they possibly know. I bet my Big Brother told them. Maybe I shouldn't mention the fact that the 3 primary vaccine 💉manufacturers make $95 million a day... which of course has nothing to do with suggesting endless numbers of "flu shot" boosters, right? Remember kids, every time a commercial starts with, "you may be entitled to compensation" refers to something approved by the FDA or the like. I'm just saying protect yourself from the next variant...AnotherCon. Have you ever wondered... if masks work, why don't they? 🤔 Look kids, all I'm saying is if science wasn't questioned we'd still be drinking cocaine🥤, giving kids cough syrup with heroin, spraying people with DDT and believing the Wuhan Wham Bam came from a bat🦇 rather than a lab☠👨🏽‍🔬. But let's trust the science because it evolves you know. For example in DC, Mayor Bow Wow announced covid would no longer affect the people without vaccine papers effective immediately, and by March 1 will no longer affect the unmasked so there and in other sad states, you know... those that are blue, flu shots and masks will no longer be mandated at least until after the midterms. That is of course unless you happen to be a member of the least vulnerable group of people... kids... even though they have a greater chance of dying by suffocation, drowning, murder and watching too much television.  Hey! We need to keep those snot nosed kids masked... because....I don't know, they don't vote? 🤷‍♂️.  Even the CDC has now said cloth masks are no more than facial decorations and BLM and ANTIFA looting paraphernalia. In fact, the recommendation from Blue State leaders now is to just basically do what Texas and Florida did months ago. Speaking of the absurd, did you know in Loudon County you can be expelled for not wearing a mask, but only transferred to a new school for rape?

And from nothing to see here...Does anyone else find it ironic that the there are those who will tolerate no risk from covid, yet are mute on the exploding crime wave. Look, we all like a good bargain at the mall, but I don't think "Free to the first 500 looters with a baseball bat" is profitable long term. I think it's time we stop all this blue on blue crime... not to mention as CNN reported, "...a car drove through a Christmas parade, killing six and wounding scores more." Coincidentally, a recently bailed out person of no distinguishable pigment, who voiced targeted hate rants on social media happened to be sitting behind the steering wheel of the murderous vehicle. I know self-drive vehicles are the wave of the future, but self- homicidal cars? What are the odds these will be funded by the Clinton Foundation? I at least hope the judge throws the book at it and condemns it to Fast and Furious 1 too Many. 

This just in...updated EEOC guidelines require new Supreme Court nominees to be selected from home depot paint swatches.

Does anyone find it ironic that Whoopi Goldberg (otherwise known as the black Caryn Elaine Johnson) culturally appropriated a name from a race she didn't know existed? Not to mention is there a more ironically named miserable group of people than Whoopi, Joy and Sunny? I think my View is spoiled... time to clear things up, 🍷.

And did I get this right? Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline making us less energy independent, but will re-energize us with a new Crack pipeline? Oh that's the build back better. What...But only in poor communities to offset racism? Hmm, I guess he felt guilty because Hunter was born with a silver pipe in hand. 🙉 In fact, since Burisma is wrapped up and China owns all the Congo and their cobalt mines, Hunter can fill his time being the new Crack Pipe czar. You don't even need a laptop for that. 😜 And since we're speaking of drugs, does anyone else think it's ironic that an athlete got banned for not taking drugs? Sorry Novak D🎾.

Just asking, Does the fact that a man dressed like a lady won jeopardy for a month straight, and another man in a girls swimming suit won several NCAA "women's" races make women look better or worse? And speaking of someone who often dresses like a woman, do you think that when the AOC went to party in the hateful state of Florida, she got covid because the virus just wanted to date her? 🐴

Now boys and girls it's time for some quotable quotes that you couldn't make up. Remember, they said it not me: "Mandates are the best way to avoid restrictions." Dats Tru-deau 🇨🇦.  And in case you were confused: "It's time for us to do what we've been doing and that time is everyday. " Kamalalala Dingdong 🦧

And speaking of the many potential precipices of WWIII, If you had to pick who is the least happy about the Biden presidency would you pick wannabe Soviet Russia, the Wuhan Chicoms, Almost Nuclear Iran, Fentanyl Dealing Drug Cartels on the southern border or Ukraine/ Taiwan? Just wondering the obvious here. 🤔

And finally,  one more Truth is Stranger Than Fiction...In an effort to set the downhill speed record, American bobsleders named their sled Biden.🙊

But hey guys, it's Valentines week we should be making love not war on each other...

Time to stop being stubborn like an Ox, that was so last year, it's 2022,  so let your Tiger out for the horizontal mambo and save the Claws for the next Frat Party (see what I did there, 😉) ... or maybe that Old Man telling you to get off his lawn, you know the one who claims to like Rockin in a Free World... well he doesn't want it Spotified. Ah, who cares, a Southern Man don't need him around anyhow. 

 He's a Real Nowhere Man anyway....

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Looney Toons

I don't always read and watch systemically racist/ sexist harmless children's books and cartoons, but when I do I like to call it infrastructure Antoinette.

Well boys and girls (don't get triggered you undecided science deniers)  we've now become fully ensconced in a cartoonish new age which would be nice if the cartoons looked like Jessica Rabbit and you were able to use your best Pepè Le Pew lines to woo that wascally wabbit, but these days that's simply just taboo. 

Mind you it's not the possibility of cartoons cavorting with each other or cartoon violence, because afterall there's literally millions of sites dedicated to cartoon sex, anime porn, regular porn, cartoon violence, real violence, racial violence and sex acts that are broadcast live, etc, etc... but none of these threaten our existence apparently and are protected 1st amendment speech. However, the most wokest of us have figured out that the Rubicon for allowable sexism, racism and violence... the point where it begins to negatively affect behavior, cause mass shootings, entice would be Lotharios to better their odds by spiking drinks, and systemically hold back people of color is in the old Looney Toon reels and the pages of America's most famous Doctor of Iambic Pentameter. Unfortunately, and apparently to those better able to ferret out the triggers that us unwoke, possibly white privileged non victimized sorts can't, Theodor Seuss Geisel's words were at times racist according to modern Wokesters and have done more to hold back people of color than all the rap songs of n-words and ho's, whiggers and bimbos. So the woke Nazis of the party in blue have decided to do a little book burning and film flaming🔥. Be gone Pepè, Elmer Fudd, and Yosemite Sam I Am... the Grinch is in town!  But if it weren't for hypocrisy in of all its many forms, how would the woke bureaucracy find ways to show off their scorn! The irony is rich... the hypocrisy is poor.

Wait, there's more. In this world where right is right and left is gone the state of Georgia has decided to ensure voter integrity by requiring legal voters to show ID when voting. Whawhat? Now obviously this kind of over reaching act of democracy would be triggering... if you were a total moron (or realize that this kind of behavior might cost you 15 million harvested votes). The hypocrisy here is that every other country in the world that votes democratically already has this requirement as well as, get this...psst, including the bluest of blue states in the USA but they don't have to worry about voter integrity because they're already in the bag🤫. Now I know I'm missing the point that this is just another example of systemic racism like acronyms, and The Cat in the Hat because people of color have no ability, or the wherewithal to get IDs and that's just another example of the oppressed, repressed, compressed, full court pressed world these victims live in and without the help of the plantation masters they wouldn't know what to do. Nothing like further victimizing the victim with the added onus of incompetency. The fact that you literally need an ID for basically everything else you do in life including getting an ID would be presumptuous to assume these too busy people could handle that basic necessity of everyday life for everybody. Ironically, these same woke advocates are on record as being in favor of vaccination IDs...yup, too rich in irony to not be funny. I wonder where they would come down if a compromise was to pick one or the other? 🤔 And because these are the Looney times we live in, the threat of consumer backlash and potential violence from #BlackLootersMatter, savvy shoppers😉, and other mostly peaceful protesters who caused $2 billion in insurance claims🤥  the cowardly and pandering organizations are signaling their wokeness by punishing... get this... the perceived victims. After Atlanta based Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines🏳 acquiesced to the mob threat, MLB⚾️ decided to move this year's Allstar game from a majority black city with a huge number of black owned businesses, employing huge amounts of people of color who make their living in the seasonal tourism, hospitality and service industries to a majority white city because somebody said something was racist even though it is exactly the same requirement in other woke blue states... Oh yeah, and all the while hypocritically still doing business with the home of the Wuhan Wham Bam and genocidal Chicoms☠, terrorist financing Iran🥷, and yadda, yadda, yadda. Hey we're talking about voting not serious stuff like where and by who Nike sneakers are made. Hey LeBron⛹🏿‍♂️, how are things for the Uighers these days in Nike making, NBA supporting China🇨🇳? $$$

Now hang on to your hat there's more hypocrisy in store. One of the founding Marxist grifters of #BlackLootersMatter, Patrisse Khan-Cullors (I love homonym puns)  added 5 new homes to her real estate holdings including 3 in LaLa land highlighted by a 1.4 million dollar house🏰 in a gated 99% white community next to Malibu... you don't expect her to work for free do you? It's hard work extorting corporate patsies and pretending the $90 mil was going to something charitable. No word yet on the Bahamian property🏝 she's eyeing next to Tiger🏌🏿 and the Beibs🕺. The irony doesn't stop there... the corporate techies who have so wokely donated to her personal cause have banned links to the article exposing this grift even though property sales are public record.  Maybe the people at woke Webster will add a new word to the dictionary... the big Khan to go along with redefining words like infrastructure... thanks Pete Butthead (sp?) Speaking of which,  I need something to rinse the irony out of my mouth. me. 

Yum, I needed that!🍺 Where was I, oh yeah hypocrisy... let's get scientific. You know that great hipster clapback that if you aren't masked up you're denying science. If you don't socially distance you're denying science. If you don't get the vaccine you're denying science. If you don't get vaccinated and wear 2 masks and still socially distance you're denying science.  Wait, what? Masks and socially distancing work until vaccine comes. Vaccine works so trust your doctors cuz you aren't a human guinea pig. Then follow science bureaucrat coverboy #Faux-ci (see what I did there, 😉) and get vaccinated and wear 2 masks and still socially distance. Someone, remind me which one is the science please? Enough already... I'll get a vaccine when they get rid of masks that don't work.

Speaking of science denying, remember when the big gender reveal was when future parents made up an excuse to have a party when they still had time and money before the kids came along. They had just gotten their sonogram (proving life in the womb, but I'll save that tidbit) and could tell scientifically that their soon to be born child would be a boy or a girl... you know... the only 2 scientific possibilities. Well that was then, now science focused Wokesters, excuse me...I mean social science focused Wokesters are having gender reveal parties🧚‍♂️ when the child is several years out of the womb. 😱 And this is not considered child abuse? Yikes. Somebody wants a gender fluid world where the best girls are boys, that's ironic? I guess this is just another example that science is absolute until it's evolving. Masks don't work. Masks work. 2 masks work better which means 1 mask doesn't work... hmm, at least they've cured the flu. Time for a vaccine booster! 🍸

But wait, there's more. If you pay attention now I'll show you the hypocrisy of gun violence which only includes mass shooting...the 19,950 other murders primarily in blue, black and "colored" urban areas don't count unless we can vaguely use mass drive-bys to inflate agenda making points. The 50 or so others who are tragically the victims in heinous mass shootings or terroristic attacks only get talked about if they fit the prescribed parameters of who the perpetrators have to be... guess who? Does anyone think it odd that the Massage Parlor Atlanta shooting disappeared from the headlines when it became about a crazy person with a sex obsession, not #Asianhate? And if you shined the light on that the focus would go to massage parlors and their connection to illegal sex slavery rings from Asia. Not having it. And then the Colorado shooting immediately disappeared when it turned out he was a crazy Muslim on the terrorist watch list? Or the guy who crashed into cops outside the Capitol was a nut bag Louis Freakakhan (there's that word again) disciple. Did anybody even know that an ex-NFL player killed 6 people including a beloved doctor grandfather, grandmother and grandchildren in South Carolina last week? All horrible and tragic incidents but they don't fit the agenda so they can't be propagandized by the self admitted lying press headlined by #cnnsucks. Fake news is legitimate if it advances the cause... what cause you may ask? The one against personal freedom, individual rights and anything that lessens the control of the powers that be or wanna be. We now know beyond a doubt that the MSM are sycophants and in cahoots with big tech who does its best to silence any opposition speech. We are living in a dystopian, Orwellian world where you can't say what big bro doesn't want you to say publicly nor can you have access to read it. Words take on the meaning of whatever absurdity they think they can get you to swallow, and gaslighting is politics 101. Orwell, Stalin, Mao, Big Tech, the press and other totalitarian entities know that if you own the language you own the argument.  The 4th estate is hell bent on panic porn...and there is no room for successes that run counter to the doublespeak like the absence of a 4th wave so far, or that there is no danger in airline travel, and Texas being fully open including full capacity games while the rate of infection keeps halving so the need to generate fear to keep control is more rampant than ever. Hence, we need vaccine passports... it's all about control.

And speaking of the Press, does anybody remember the Border situation under the last Prez? You know Orange Man Bad. Where children were separated from their parents and living in cages and crates. Hmm, well now that the crisis is conservatively believed to be 7 times as bad, you no longer hear those words. What's happened? Did those boxes become luxury boxes? Hmm, well not to worry, no doubt Kamalalala Dingdong has a plan... it's called, "Press don't report negative things about the border." To which they answer, "sure". And speaking of Orange Man Bad, you know the guy banned for life from Twitter, Facebook etc... in fact you can't even link to his interviews post presidency, but you can access Mein Kampf, Mao's little red book, Stalin, Marx, Lenin, Che, Manson and others whose contributions to the world directly led to the deaths of a couple hundred million victims. Hmm... well the Donald supposedly spawned a riot that all Americans deplore by his choice of words so let's examine the following 2 quotes:

1) "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

2) "We've got to stay on the street, and we've got to get more active. We've got to get more confrontational. We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business."

I guess you're right. That second one certainly sounds like a public official promoting violence. Wait what? Only the first one is #45. The second one is Maxine "Let me Muddy the" Waters instigating the mobs if the Floyd trial ends in acquittal or even a manslaughter charge. Of course this kind of jury intimidation, and incitement of Foot Locker shoppers is bad right? It could even lead to a successful appeal according to the judge at the trial. Oh well, we all know that Mad Maxi Waters is about as useless as the G in Lasagna so I'm sure no one was listening which might be the reason she keeps getting reelected in L.A.

Well Uncle Sam I Am this is America, and while there are those who have seemingly taken the hypocritic oath, I'm here to say not to worry... the voice of common sense will win out and we got this, “With our head full of brains and our shoes full of feet, we're too smart to go down any not-so-good street.” Time to right the wrongs, and heed the Heart and only go Crazy on you... when it's your chosen counterpart. 

If we still have time, we might still get by
Every time I think about it, I wanna cry
With bombs and the Devil, and the kids keep comin'
No way to breathe easy, no time to be young
But I tell myself that I was doin' all right
There's nothin' left to do at night
But go crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you, oh...
Wild man's world is cryin' in pain
What you gonna do when everybody's insane?
So afraid of one who's so afraid of you
What you gonna do?
Ooh, crazy on you
Crazy on you
Let me go crazy, crazy on you


Thursday, April 1, 2021

April Fool's Day is Definitely April Fools' Day

Punctuation can be a life or death matter Antoinette and that's no fooling!

Now lest you pessimistic types think that's hyperbole, let me punctuate my point by punctiliously pointing out possible areas of darkness, penumbras if you will, where the paucity of clarity may turn your mental perambulations into a pirate's plea to walk the plank. Phew! I think you know where I'm going with this polemic. In the present state of pandemic politics perhaps precipitated by people eating pangolins (psst, not "people eating pangolins"... those would be scary🤔😉) in the People's Republic🇨🇳, we find ourselves drifting apart like the Pangea of past. Perhaps it's the paedarchy we find ourselves living in currently headed by a pachyglossal president propped up by puppeteers and his prurient playmate... the laughing hyena Kamalalala Dingdong.  But these are perilous times and we need the best and brightest inside the beltway. Instead, now with one slip of 15 million harvested votes we see this sign when we cross Memorial Bridge...

The short bus should never be for the leader of the free world. No disrespect intended, but if you want to elect someone who if they were your grandpa you wouldn't leave in charge of your little kids, or you would tell your older kids to look after grandpa when you went out, and you certainly world never let them drive themselves it's probably a good idea not to leave them in charge of the button! Dementia is serious and sad, but a fawning press pretending what's obvious isn't, like the pages of an Orwellian paperback and praises the press conference that wasn't proves how perilous is our present condition. If you can't get through a prescripted presser, with pre-written answers on a prompter where you never have to be impromptu and you can't get through questions as hard as "do you think the border is being flooded because people think you're a decent guy"...then we're in for a long down hill ride.  Where are all the photos (silent p) of the border crises now, btw? One that is, by last estimate 7 times as bad as during the previous president. I know orange man bad, but...🤷‍♂️just saying. I'm sure K Dingdong, the #AOC and the rest will fix that asap. Between the press and the politicians it's kind of hard to discern who is the bigger clown show🤡... at least one guy has a medical excuse for his Dementia. 

Unfortunately, there are other reasons that punctuate why these are dangerous times including the perils of politicians who think the Constitution is unConstitutional📜. Por ejemplo, ponder the following sign, 

I'm sure we all can agree that hunting pedestrians out of season and without license to do so on our public trails should be frowned upon. Just as should be exploiting cherry picked tragedies to advance unconstitutional goals #secondamendment while ignoring #terrorism; fomenting racial divides prematurely #asianhate when the more serious issue of #Asiansexslaves looms large, and ignoring the nearly 20,000 murders in 2020 (increase of 5000) which largely occurred in Black/Blue cities, in blue states, with hard-core gun laws and race baiting politicians, but without support for the boys in Blue. Seems to this pair of eyes that the Party in Blue representing people of color is like having Plantation owners representing slaves. What do you think of that #BLM? Hmm, maybe that's just my #whiteprivilege showing through. 

Another big problem is what and who to believe these days. We can't help but be pessimistic since, seek as we might, no palladian sage has emerged, and the majority of the Press has become little more than the sychophantic propaganda arm of a certain party, are as believable as Pinocchio 🤥 and as competent in the English language as, idk, Ozzy Osbourne! Take for instance..

Now, I don't want to say pooh pooh to pooches and shared gene pools without ever partaking, and maybe with some Fava beans and a nice Chianti🍷 I'd be more open minded. I mean afterall, she's in the prime of her life and could probably make another family. Not to mention there are always pets to be rescued, or would that be recipe'd? 🤔 But the point is I think we as a nation need to pay more attention to the phony (silent P) pabulum pushed on our palate by pretenders and prevaricators pushing an agenda of dependent paternalism. And we certainly don't need to eat our own. We aren't guppies🐠! We are adults if we are over 18 and not basement dwelling (unless of course it's a mancave with stocked bar... speaking of which, 🍸...perfect)... where was I? Oh yes... basement dwelling pantophobists afraid of our own shadow and a maskless world😰. Unfortunately, paranoia is now so prevalent in our society that people are willing to lap up any humbug thrown their way even when science (sorry but you will really have to dig to find real, hard peer reviewed science) tells you that you're living in la la land if you think the masks people wear daily is stopping the Wuhan Wham Bam. If so then you are a science denier, but a political science affirmer. While it might minimally reduce the rate of spread, the only option to stop it is social isolation (unworkable long term), vaccinations and herd immunity. If it was working they wouldn't tell you to wear 2. The way people wear masks to prevent the Chinese Kung Flu is like wearing nylons as a condom... in other Communist words, it's just like playing Russian roulette. Oops, preggers 🤰again. Don't worry, the next generation name has already been picked... the coronials🤣. The science that is real is that with vaccines and the amount of people already infected we will have herd immunity by the end of April. No fooling according to the head of Johns Hopkins head of virology. The paranoid panic peddlers are losing their control over the competent masses and self admitted manipulator Fauci is personally pouting that his cover boy days are passing away and after he was embarrassed by Sen/Dr. Rand Paul in senate hearings petulantly pouted that his claims weren't just theater and even doubled down that people should still wear 2 masks after vaccinating despite what ALL SCIENTIFIC STUDIES SAY! Time to get all the kids in school (American Pediatrics), because they don't get it, or spread it. Get people back to work normally (because as Pfizer silent P said) they are bulletproof with vaccines and not one scientific study suggests people will get reinfected or spread after vaccines, and always be mindful if you're at risk. I would also add that through independent study I can confirm my vaccination regimen requires semi daily boosters💉... but is 110% (that might be hyperbole) effective. 🍸🥂🍾🍻🍷🍺Sidenote... do you think it's ironic that there is talk about a vaccine passport... you know...ID to do anything or go anywhere is being bandied about as a population control, but IDs for voting are racist? Or that kids aren't fully in school, but unvaccinated masses are let in at the border and immediately in school facilities while awaiting disposition? Just pondering. Well anyway... that was foolish and as you can see April Fools are plenty. I don't know what made me think of that tomfoolery, but suddenly I feel the need to P! 🤣 So  Happy Easter, avoid guys with 2 P names like Pontius Pilate and I'll leave it with Master P and his words of wisdom about making sure you know what Mr Ice Cream Man is selling...

Before jump in the game let's get one thing understood
If you sellin' that ice cream ya got to make sure it's good

Mr. Ice Cream Man
(Mr. Ice Cream Man)
Mr. Ice Cream Man
(Mr. Ice Cream Man)

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Live it Up, It's the Weekend

Remember, since alcohol is low in vitamins and general nutritional value you're going to have to drink a lot to get your RDA Antoinette!

Well boys and girls, 2021 is starting out pretty much the same as the recent past. The Chinese "there's a flu in my soup" Wuhan Wham Bam has decided to take more than the allotted 14 days to flatten and will be with us forever says the CDC (undoubtedly listening to what I said last April)! I guess it's only fitting since last year was the Chinese Year of the (flying) Rat 🦇we follow it up with the Year of the Ox🐂 who stubbornly doesn't want to change (get it? 🤣). Well the Covid now 21 may be stubborn, but I say thanks but no thanks. You Chicoms🇨🇳 can keep your stinking virus. I mean, afterall China you got what you wanted... just ask Hunter! 🤔😉 Also, the Super Bowl weekend is over and just like last week's Groundhog Day, it was deja vu all over again...T Brady won another Super Bowl, ho hum and some might even say Ugg!😉 And like previous years the weekend ended a day too early. It's the SUPER BOWL people! It's like a national church💒 service that everyone attends without Grandma 👵dragging you by your ear👂. On top of that, it's at night and most everyone is indulging heavily in the communion wine 🍷🤕and deserves a day to count their winnings💰 or lament their losses😱. If that doesn't warrant a national holiday, nothing does. Somebody just slide another Executive Order under Biden's nose and tada...a 3 day Super Bowl Weekend. He doesn't even know what he's signing anyway, and one more will only insure his record of executive orders forever. At least this one will be worthwhile. I mean maybe you disagree on the fate of the Keystone Pipeline, afterall, who wants cheap energy cleanly delivered and jobs for many when we can be energy dependent on the stable countries from the Middle East🙈? Besides if you get rid of pipelines it will just mean shipping all that gas from Canada by train and truck which makes interstate driving more fun and adds the equivalent of 650,000 cars which will help COOL the planet🙉! Huh? That's right Al G and the AOC ... according to NASA  the planet warmed a proclaimed catastrophic .5° this past year because... get this... there weren't enough pollutants in the air to block the suns heat🙊!🤔 Seems that because the Wuhan Wham Bam caused the meek to stay home and park their prius permanently, coupled with the fact that the perpetual mask wearers😷 were voluntarily swallowing their own CO² there weren't enough contaniments and Hot Air released into the atmosphere to keep the planet cooled. Yes, you heard that right... if we don't start polluting soon the angry sun🔥 is going to melt the ice caps. Hmm, well like I always say... more sun, more tillable land, more vineyards🍇=more wine! Cheers!🥂Apparently, it's also no fun being the only industrial country to exceed the goals of the Paris Climate Accords even though we don't belong to it... until now that is EO#118+/‐. (Oh Mon Dieu what was that orange guy thinking? ) But I digress...Hey you, psst Weekend at Bernies...or whoever you are behind the curtain pulling the strings... if you want to pretend a little more realistically like you care about the unity of the USA 🇺🇸 then this Executive Order approximately #247 would be a good start. It has to be more effective than every commercial looking like the United Colors of Benetton. All Americans would be thankful for consecutive long weekends. Afterall, it's winter. The weather stinks. And what could be more unifying than a long weekend canoodling with that special someone united as one... you know... horizontal mambo-ing! Cheers!😍 And even better because it's VD weekend💘. However, this is not to be confused with another long The Weeknd🎶! Please make that stop! Save the Canadian entertainment for hockey 🏒 or better yet curling and venues where nobody is there to listen and he's not overwhelmed by the stage. Also, please save the creepy weird jock strap on the face 🥷Army of Darkness for some M. Night Shyamalan horror show☠. We're Americans...we want big and loud and rockin', or beautiful, sexy, hip shaking, garment malfunctioning crooning eye candy! Yeah #metoo

Besides the world is looking Orwellian enough. We're creating a totalitarian culture voluntarily, and suicidally I might add. Big government, big tech and a propagandizing media are all complicit in thought control which I guess is ok if you agree with them, but what happens when you don't? Twitter, Facebook, instagram etc canceling posts, accounts etc that their thought police don't like.  Cancel culture, doxxing, firing, public shaming, physical attacks, physical attack hoaxes, Universities seeking to punish alums who didn't vote the way they thought appropriate, and college students encouraged to report on other students not doing what their told... hmm what does that remind 🤔 you of Adolph? And this is not to mention the Groundhog Day redux of an Impeachment farce. Hey psst...Pelosi, Schiff for brains, et al... he's not even in office! How come unity looks like a purge of half the country? Unity is a hard message to come around to when it ends with an Or Else🪓... just saying! It seems like you're modeling your behavior after China 🇨🇳. Is there some connection I'm not aware of... anyone? Ferris? Hunter? Well at least with a new administration things should be different right? With the success of Operation Warp Speed multiple vaccines have been developed in less than a year when all the TDS naysayers said it would take 3. Of course the news was delayed until after the election but that's another matter. The important thing is now with the vaccines💉 available, and a new admin with a real plan for dissemination 1 million people a day should be vaccinated easily topping the previous administration who were only able to vaccinate 1 million per day. 🤔 Oh! Well at least there will be a change in ending white privilege and ensuring black lives matter with the replacing of that last old white guy President with someone new and fresh as a pair Kanye's sneakers... You know an older, half gone white guy with an active sniffer👃and over 47 years of political experience in which he accomplished🤔... well I'm sure they're must have been something. Anyway, this time will be different and the first order of business after the purge and the Trumped up Impeachment unifying events will be to rid ourselves of the systemic racism that permeates the red state portion of our country... you know... places like Kansas where all those racist regular white folk do nothing but impact black lives and people of color in far off blue states and cities. It's so bad that they get people of color to kill other people of color in places like Blue Chicago where they set records this year of 750 murders. But this will stop✋ as soon as the new policy goes into effect of ending the systemically racist use of Acronyms by the government. Just ask the San Fran school district who first pointed this out if you don't believe me. Acronyms discriminate against minorities and have been WASPs way of keeping the colored folk living in Chicago, Bmore, Philly,  Atlanta, San Fran etc during the last several decades because...IDK... they don't know their PIN, or even where an ATM was to get money to leave their racist environment ASAP? Or they couldn't SCUBA? Their RADAR was kaput? And has anybody considered what are they going to call their Frontline soldiers BLM and ANTIFA if this happens. Maybe it's just me, but I think if we keep heading down this path we're FUBAR. Look I get it... there's a group of wannabe victims out there who make a living of perpetuating the victimhood of the oppressed, repressed, compressed, suppressed, depressed, and full court pressed but I say to you don't be a victim... be an individual responsible for yourself. Free yourself from the shackles of group think, fake news and false prophets. If you don't like how things are where you live, before blaming some schmuck in far off Kansas, maybe consider who's calling the shots down at Daley plaza for instance, or any other place that makes you feel Blue. Systemic racism is telling you to vote for me every four years and things will change and you believing that. Things have changed alright. Everyone has heard of the St Valentines Day Massacre because back in the day when everyone had legal guns in Chicago a bunch of Italian gangsters killed 7 Irish gangsters. The reason we know about this is that it was a big deal. The murders of 7 people at one time in one of America's great cities was a rarity.  That's a routine Saturday night now and Crickets from the greatest extortionist racket going...BLM...Al Capone would be so proud. Sounds like the definition of insanity... voting the same way and expecting different results. Also seems like a good month to check out the history. Oh well, must be those crazy Jayhawkers fault. Food for thought. And finally, at least a couple things are different right? Remember all those Super Bowl victories previously where Teetotalling T Brady just said thank you, smiled, and went home to his almond milk and domineering wife. Well it seems in sunny Tampa Bay, Tom decided to get Gronked!🍻 In fact he was drunker than a football bat during the Parade. And not to be outdone by the QB  G.O.A.T., the Boss of Rock-n-Roll G.O.A.T. decided to go for a little Motorcycle ride and tequila shot party in his Native State, NJ, where some PoPos 🚔 seemingly wanted to make an example of Bruce because IDK...he wasn't driving a Jeep?  Didn't want a lime? Well whatever the case, what's the world coming to when a Blue guy like the Boss, in a Blue state like NJ, can't get a little respect from the Boys in Blue? Obviously those guys weren't Buford T. Justice. In fact, it sounds like nothing but pure and simple old fashioned communism. I hope nobody felt discriminated against by the use of those acronyms. Well anyway, cheers to you both and here's to living the Glory Days!

...In fact I think I'm going down to the well tonight
And I'm gonna drink till I get my fill🍺
And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it
But I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
A little of the glory yeah
Well time slips away and leaves you with nothing, mister, but
Boring stories of

Glory days, well they'll pass you by
Glory days, in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days

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