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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Making America Great

Bon vacances Antoinette 

Now that we are in the midst of the party conventions, you may have noticed that our choices may leave something to be desired. But before we start preaching doom and gloom and the apocalypse is upon us, let's grab our favorite bottle of vino and toast to the Presidents who made America Great, for realz! When General, President, Father of our country and winemaker GW died, Napoleon called for ten days of mourning and even the British flew their flags at halfmast...Respect.  Andy Jackson threw the greatest inauguration "rager" the White House has ever seen, successfully fought 113 duels, served as president with a bullet near his heart, one in his lungs and at 67 chased down a failed assassin and beat him into submission with his cane. Teddy Roosevelt, known for serving the best and rarest vintages at his dinner parties, charged up San Juan hill, received the Medal of Honor, hunted grizzlies, explored the Amazon, built the Panama Canal, took a bullet from a would be assassin at a campaign stop, gave his hour long speech then went to the hospital. FDR led us through the depression, dust bowl and WWII from a wheelchair, and most importantly ended prohibition. And of course Abe...though he didn't drink he did save the union, end slavery, created state universities, gave land to 1000's, and made great speeches. So grab 4 score and 7 bottles of your favorite wine, raise a toast to these and others, party like a Jacksonian Democrat in 1829 and drink to the future...hopefully the better angels of our nature will endure!


July 20, 2016

1 comment:

  1. This was actually historically educational... nice. CMG


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