Photo Art

Monday, June 11, 2018

The Art of the Deal

Remember, you don't need a special occasion to enjoy wine, you just need a glass Antoinette.

Well America, it's another Monday! And that can only mean one thing... it's time to WINE down! No reason to wait for Friday and the weekend to do that because it's June, which means we play by summer know...when we are all kind of on vacation all the time...and things should be more relaxed. The world should be sunnier (unless you live in NoVa⛈). It's a good time to rejoice🍾. High schoolers have graduated and will be moving out of the basement and going off to college soon🎓. College seniors have graduated and will be moving back to their parents basement even though there are more jobs than employees out there. And now that summer is here global warming will pick up and the ice caps will be melting faster meaning more water for the fish to swim in🐳🐋🐬🐟🐠🐡!  Proving that even if it's cloudy where you live... there's always a silver lining as long as there is wine🍷. And speaking of ice and CAPS🏒, I recommend drinking your summer wine from a Stanley Cup🏆 tastes better. What? You don't have one, or know where it is? Oh you must be in Vegas or the Pitts...burgh!🤣 The month of June is also famous for being a month when great speeches were made emboldening our resolve like Churchill's "we shall never surrender"; destabilising communism like Reagan's "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"; and Trump's exclamation to "MAGA" and "covfefe!" 🤔Inspiring words by all. Unfortunately for some, no amount of sunshine, summer vacation or inspiring eloquence is enough to bring happiness to their lives or cure their TDS, even when it's in their best interest. Btw, did you ever notice that the Antifa thugs look like Nazi stormtroopers who dressed for their "activity" in their Darth Vader Halloween costumes with Harry potter armor? That's scary😱. Well, readers here know the only possible solution for what ails you is wine...aka... water held together by sunlight!🥂🌞 Wine that is and maybe shed some of those black clothes, come out from the basement and get some sun on those buns! So speaking of TDS and confronting dictators and terrorists, maybe we should just root for America to win even if it will be credited to someone we didn't vote for...I don't know how this summit will turn out, but I'm thinking it will be a lot cheaper and safer to buy off a crazy dictator like Lil Kim Chee with some wine and a tee time at Doral, than giving a few billion to a rogue terrorist like the Iranian Ayatollah of I'll-nuke-all-yah. So don't be a Bama... it's Flag Day this week...wrap yourself in the red, white and blue and root for world peace, wine for everyone and good trade agreements. Hopefully Canada won't stay mad for long... they are threatening to cut off our supply of maple syrup and are even holding Johnny Manziel hostage...hmm, maybe we can trade them all those Hollyweirders who promised to leave a couple years ago.🤔 Remember, America is like a big high school, made up of all kinds of people and groups from all kinds of backgrounds... but on Friday nights we all rooted for our team, then us seniors would head to the beach with our best girl and celebrate our victories with wine! (Sorry kiddos, drinking age was 18 then😁) Time to Be True to Your School ... let's celebrate this victory at the Beach Boys🏖🏄‍♂️ and remember...

When some loud braggart tries to put me down
And says his school is great
I tell him right away
Now what's the matter buddy
Ain't you heard of my school
It's number one in the state

So be true to your school now
Just like you would to your girl or guy
Be true to your school now
And let your colors fly
Be true to your school

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